我女儿上过两次夏课。一次是初中,一次是大学。初中上的时候数学组老师万般阻拦,最后还是上了。后来娃说少学了不少,后来得自己不停的补。大学夏课是到离家近的学校,说是这个学校松,成绩高。这个课在她 transfer 之前学校是不承认的,后来的学校承认。但是她很清楚,只是为了拿高分而已。
如果有成绩了再上就是repeated courses, 链接是UW 的政策,能看到数学院的科系明确指出“ repeat any Grade 12 course or take any Grade 12 course outside of your regular day school, you may jeopardize your chances of being admitted.”
Learn how repeated courses and courses taken outside of your regular high school may affect your application for admission to the University of Waterloo.