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  • 请关注我们Twinkle 星悦假期 905-604-6100,尊享机票旅游优惠价,轻松走遍全天下



  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / It's Now or Never 月圆之夜,肉联之垫~~ +5

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    It's Now Or Never, Mug – Pop Music Wisdom

    It's now or neverCome hold me tightKiss me my darlingBe mine tonight

    Tomorrow will be too lateIt's now or neverMy love won't wait

    When I first saw youWith your smile so tenderMy heart was capturedMy soul surrendered

    I spent a lifetimeWaiting for the right timeNow that you're nearThe time is here, at last

    It's now or neverCome hold me tightKiss me my darlingBe mine tonight

    Tomorrow will be too lateIt's now or neverMy love won't wait

    Just like a willowWe would cry an oceanIf we lost true loveAnd sweet devotion

    Your lips excite meLet your arms invite meFor who knows whenWe'll meet again this way

    It's now or neverCome hold me tightKiss me my darlingBe mine tonight

    Tomorrow will be too lateIt's now or neverMy love won't wait

    It's now or neverMy love won't wait

    It's now or neverMy love won't waitIt's now or neverMy love won't wait

    • 听前奏以为是我的太阳 +2
      • 这还真是从额滴个太阳改编来的😄
      • 过节搞气氛,男女票友们都跑哪去啦
    • 谈个恋爱像奸商一样:过了这村就没这店了:)
      • 或者:如果看不到黄丝带那就掰😄
    • 猫王的歌,师爷信手拈来👍
      • 献丑啦~雅罗总好久不见别来无恙~
        • 师爷客气🙏感恩节快乐
          • 谢谢雅罗总~周末愉快~
    • 哇,师爷歌艺精进了不少,吐字清换气稳。👍
      • 多谢曲奇~~
    • 师爷厉害啦,👍👍👍👍👍👍 +1
      • 多谢宝玉哥捧场~~ +1
    • 👍居然还有这才艺 😀 +1
      • 😄😄,马佳小朋友见笑了🤭