Olivia Chow says on Twitter "We need to stop evictions now. ". I heard over the radio multiple times she say to the media "why can't they (landlords) pay a little bit more tax?", Such and such, so forth.
city应该多建些普通的房子给renter。她说的后面两条不无道理“We need to make housing more affordable.We need to help renters get their power back, by transferring housing to land trusts, nonprofits and co-ops.”
Alberta, bc 都可以到期不续约。房租也没有比安省高,说明市场也是能调节的?租控的初衷可能是好的,真的有效果吗?据说以前没有租控的时候,房租不这样飞涨。合法不代表合理。租客的法律权益收到保障,不代表双方权益合理平等。现行民租法律更多是保障弱势群体考量。商业出租认为商家和业主之间势力对等,所以不偏袒,跟商业租赁一比,就知道什么是平等权益。