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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 论坛软件能不能像以前那样把 “提交”按钮靠近“标题”一点?各种输入法都是占半个手机或半个平板,你把“提交”按钮放到十万八千里外,不是诚心跟人找别扭吗 +1
    • Could you provide a screenshot? Need to understand your situation. Thanks.
    • 我有一个手机也有这个问题,写半天完了找不到提交键,都被输入法遮住了,必须把手机横放才显示
      • Could you provide a screenshot as well? Also, what's the model, version, and browser?
        • iphone 6s有这个问题,iPhone 12 Pro 就很好,可能跟屏幕尺寸有关?小手机在办公室,没法截屏给你。
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