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There have been a lot of deletion recently.

Not sure which one you were talking about.

In general, decent language is required. But other than that, users are expected to be respectful towards fellow Rolians. Any comments towards individual Rolians may subject to deletion, if the subject feels offended and makes a complaint. Such comments may appear friendly though, but it's up to the subject's interpretation.

Hopefully this answers your question.

You may read more about the rules of Rolia Forums, as shown in the following link.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 请问BZ,辩论双方都不介意,没有污秽语言而且可以帮助大家了解实情的贴子为什么要删除呢? 
    • I did not report any abuse. So it wasn't me.
    • 论坛是应该尽量公开化,让我失去了学习英文的机会~~
      • 英文的我没看到,刚才在韩红贴下的回贴我觉得很好, 不懂为什么转眼就删了~~BZ担心什么呢?
        • 看老顽童说英文乱飞,然后没了,多么好的学习机会啊,我觉着即使有污秽言语,不去看也没关系,大家各玩各的,找聊得来聊天。
          • 我没看到他的, 只看了那谁(随性随意?)的贴子,觉得没有任何过分的话~
            • 那个ID 很有正义感,经常打抱不平,社会需要这样的ID。
              • 我看TA写的都是事实, 没理由删~
        • 昨儿让管理员吓着了有点 今儿算过度敏感时期 可以理解
          • 呵呵~
        • 应该是不愿意太多这样的辩论吧。 我觉得写得非常好, 正得意呢, 写最后一个回帖一发一下说父贴没了, 我有存盘, 但后部分没来得及存。最后一贴我有发到主贴。
    • 哪个帖子,我又错过了?
      • 都删了, 所以啊,不明白BZ的目的是什么~~
        • 我知道,版主是为了方便手机阅读,回帖太多,不方便看
      • 你都错过好几轮儿了!
        • 看来我也错过了一些~~就看了那谁(随性随意?)的贴子
          • 错过就错过了吧,旧的不去,新的不来,你赶快挖新坑,我都准备好跳了
            • 我才懒的挖, 只是不喜欢BZ这种行为~~
    • 可不可以restore 或 undo 删了的帖子呀?
      • 希望BZ可以~
    • There are a few more reasons that a post could be removed.
      言辞是身份与修养的表示, ROLIA只为文明礼貌的朋友提供服务.

      所有的广告信息, 无论是营业性广告或个人广告(包括二手转让, 租房, 搭车等), 都必须只发布到枫下广告区中.

      讨论问题时, 请秉持对事不对人, 对论点不对人的原则, 不可以把对事物和观点的看法引申为对辩友的评价.

      特别的, 关于中国的政治性话题必须只发布到枫下时政区

      包括欺诈行为, 宣扬仇恨(含种族仇恨,国家仇恨,阶级仇恨,宗教仇恨等)




      • 你刚刚删的,占哪条了?不同的网友和一个网友对话,帖子都被删了,这是要维护谁呢?这是要和谐啥捏?
      • 你刚刚删的,占哪条了? -meisuowei(|); 12:43 (#9242266@0) reply ~~随心随性的帖子有啥问题?
        • There have been a lot of deletion recently.
          Not sure which one you were talking about.

          In general, decent language is required. But other than that, users are expected to be respectful towards fellow Rolians. Any comments towards individual Rolians may subject to deletion, if the subject feels offended and makes a complaint. Such comments may appear friendly though, but it's up to the subject's interpretation.

          Hopefully this answers your question.

          You may read more about the rules of Rolia Forums, as shown in the following link.

      • Can you be more specific?
      • 明白,是个人广告,版主英明!