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我们这种小地方跟LZ的单位是一个天一个地。工龄再长也很难赚到十万。加班是没有的。一周37.5小时也是不能超的。节假日老板总是尽量给part time和casual。short了就挨个打电话问人家能不能换一天休息,time and half就不用提了。不行的话哪怕用个RPN顶RN,再没人short就short了。缺RPN的话不能trade up用RN,找不到人就随它去,反正大家分分工也得完成任务。


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  • 我给做RN和准备做RN的同行发个鼓励帖
    昨天我的一个男护士同事说他现在PAYSTUB 上有$86000了,又不想赚超过十万.因为他不想被公报在这儿,http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/publications/salarydisclosure/2009/hospit09.html
    我看他这年是绝对避免不了了. 离年底还有6个PAY PERIOD,怎么少上班,他也会过十万.
    你们有时间数数,多少华人护士在这Sunshine list.
    Plus those have same thinking of just to earn a little lower than $100,000. So RN is quite OK in terms of the pay. But it's not everybody's cup of tea. I mean it's tiring and dirty, that's why there is a global shortage.
    • 那他真的要小心, 尤其是在如今的大气候下. OT是不是太多了? 麻烦事情总会有的. 谁让咱是在底层呢? 再说了, earn > 10k, 还要不要life了?
      sorry, 泼了冷水帖. 不过, 倒也是, 只要你不嫌, RN还是不要担心PAY的.
      • correct 10k to 100k. 要不, 非得砸死我.
        • 我今天无聊,在这http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/publications/salarydisclosure/2009/hospit09.html 数了数,我工作的病房有23个护士在上面,他们都好得很啊,身体健康,天天快乐,家庭幸福.
      • 真人真事,我同病房同事最多挣$131,027.74. She has a happy life which at least she is satisfied with: single, healthy, pretty, owns a big and new house, 2 cars just for herself, travels a lot...... enjoy working.....
        • 没说不是真的. 有OT, 没有几个不抢的. 但是, OT越来越少了.
          • what a difference, in our unit, sometimes nobody wants the over-time.
        • 幸福的标准人人都不同. NURSE挣钱多, 那自然搭进去的时间也多. 工作时间多了, 留给自己和家人的就少了. 就看你怎么看了.
          • yeah, that's so true! After so many years of working, I feel you can somehow find the fine balance of work and family.
    • 请不要笑话,问一下什么是OT啊?
      我们这种小地方跟LZ的单位是一个天一个地。工龄再长也很难赚到十万。加班是没有的。一周37.5小时也是不能超的。节假日老板总是尽量给part time和casual。short了就挨个打电话问人家能不能换一天休息,time and half就不用提了。不行的话哪怕用个RPN顶RN,再没人short就short了。缺RPN的话不能trade up用RN,找不到人就随它去,反正大家分分工也得完成任务。


      • Over time?
        • 真是恍然大悟!
        • over time 什么呀, OT, occupational therapy!!
        • sorry, sorry, 的确是overtime的意思,自己没看原文,以为在讲OT这个职业,原来还是护士,对不起,莽撞了
        • =_=......
      • she only works day shift. I did not pay attention to her schedule, but I guess one overtime in a pay period is OK to get a good yearly income
    • IT'S Really a encouraging news, I love money.
      • nurse is all about work not paid really well.
        i have been working at health care for a while, but not as nurse. so far i know, if she is really rn, she must do lots of OT. whether she is working in hospital or other places, it all has standard for job title. being a nurse is hard work. comparing to the work, it paid not well.
        • Please translate what you said into your mother language so that some (if not all) of us can understand.
        • I definitely agree with you! But on the other hand, if we just compare nurses' pay between few countries, like china, malaysia, singapore, australia, UK, some parts of States. Canada is still not bad.
          • I guess what you meant is that Canadian nurses are paid not bad compared with those from few other countries?? it seems you optionally forgot most other countries in the world
            • whether nurse is good or bad work
              the same thing i said, if nurse is a good work with good paid. do you think we can get it. do you see who is working right now if you have chance to go hopspitals units or nursing home. i would say 80% is visible minority. where is white native canadian. they are really doing good jobs with good pay.
              • I guess I got what you meant. You are saying that the actual frontline nurses are mostly visible minority, right?
                Not really, I'd say, visible minority + new grads in most clinical settings where you could see most of the dirtiest and physically challenging tasks. In terms of the Caucasian or native Canadian nurses and their positions, in most cases they will be elevated/promoted to higher positions such as nurse educators or managers or whatever after several years of dogfights at the bottom level. The reality can be darn dark in nursing. That's why the stats show nearly 50% new grads will leave this profession in about one year or so after graduation. Suck it up or run away. This is the reality.
    • 注册护士只是一工作职位,挣钱多少看你自己的付出和生活取向。
      曾经一起工作过的一希腊籍男同事,资格本身就老,又是临床Team leader,挣小主管最高级小时工资,在重症监护室全职工作,休班时间基本不是在监护室就是在急诊室加班。几乎所有年假又在这两个专业人氏短缺的科室加班,那工资可是双倍加班工资外加正常假期工资,据说老兄在全系统注册护士中年年挣年薪榜首,好像有超过20万之说,无人能比。这位老兄夫人全职在家做太太,还要给成年女儿付信用卡账单,他本人从来不去其他地方旅游,像我们这些钱挣不过人家一小半的旅游爱好者,好信儿问过老兄:“为何不走出加拿大旅游时常放松自己一下?”老兄言:“温哥华是世界上最美的城市,最适人居,有什么必要要去其他地方旅游呢?”。我们只好轻松一笑。是泛酸么?我想不是,人家辛苦劳动所得,我等生活取向和态度不同,各得其乐吧。
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