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“This follows the revelation, in April, that Luciano Pavarotti lip-synched and his backing orchestra mimed their performance at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics.”

It was among the famed Italian tenor's last major public performances. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer later that year and died in September 2007.

"Pavarotti's great career therefore ended with a virtual performance, something sad but inevitable," his longtime conductor and pianist Leone Magiera wrote in the book Pavarotti Visto da Vicino (Pavarotti Seen from Up Close).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 帕瓦罗蒂06年都灵冬奥会假唱,乐队假装伴奏。cbc.ca
    “This follows the revelation, in April, that Luciano Pavarotti lip-synched and his backing orchestra mimed their performance at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics.”

    It was among the famed Italian tenor's last major public performances. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer later that year and died in September 2007.

    "Pavarotti's great career therefore ended with a virtual performance, something sad but inevitable," his longtime conductor and pianist Leone Magiera wrote in the book Pavarotti Visto da Vicino (Pavarotti Seen from Up Close).
    • 还是多说一句吧. Lip synch, 只有在很特殊的情况下用, 比如生病而又必须演出时, (象那次帕瓦罗蒂), 而且, 是 自 己 的 声 音, 不 是 用 别 人 的 声 音. 这个问题就此打住吧, 反正谁也说服不了谁.
      • his backing orchestra mimed their performance at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics.” 乐队作假动作演奏就有点cheating了
      • 不过小姑娘双簧这件事真是不应该。听那个音乐总监采访,小姑娘很可能现场不知道播放的是别人的声音。不知道社会舆论会不会给这个9岁的小孩留下阴影,同学会怎么看她。
        • 没人关心,大家怎么看这个音乐总监么?一个没有职业操守的演艺界人士!
          • 向没有职业操守的演艺界人士致敬
    • "Pavarotti's great career therefore ended with a virtual performance, something sad but inevitable" 这也是个丑闻, 揭别人的丑就能让自己变美丽吗?
      • 爆料的音乐总监才是丑陋的没有职业道德的典范!
      • 那是cbc的报道。没指望谁说谁美丽,只有担心,不知道那个林小朋友以后会怎么样。这个假唱的阴影可能会跟随她很长时间,虽然这个双簧是不是她的责任。杨小朋友也很可爱。希望国内的舆论对林小朋友不要太hash.
        • 看看着坛子里的国人,就知道有多hash啦!