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Short selling comes with many risks; one of which is that you will have to pay dividends on short positions. This can eat into your profit.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 有谁用过NBDB Fully-Paid Securities Lending Program,好用吗?每月能赚多少?
    • 没意思,被别人用来玩DAYTRADING,赚不到钱! +3
      • 错了, 积少成多。
    • 有 , 安全。 大约 $10-20 CAD /月, 看图片 +1


      • 谢谢,参加这个就拿不到股票分红了吧?因为分红会给借入股票的人了?那就没意思了?
        • 拿得到的,但实际上是借方应该支付给贷方对等金额,而不是股票发的。因为真实的股票已经给借方卖掉了,股票已经不在了。
      • "....拿不到股票分红..."? 是吗? 那里 写着 那 条款? 你 问过 NATIONAL BANK DISCOUNT BROKER 吗?
    • 这个我问过只能non register account, 收入还得上税。wealthsimple 可以tfsa, 但不知道算tfsa增长还是算收入需要上税
    • 借你股票的人破产你就血本无归了。

      • 胡说八道,借方同时要出1.25倍的现金抵押在NBDB的,虽然持股人个人是看不到这笔钱的。这个数随每天收盘价变化的。 +2
        • anything not CIPF insured has risk to lose 100% +1
          • CIPF是不cover,但就像我说,是有另外的机制安排,借方要出抵押金的。 +1
      • 对,他在 胡说八道。 NBDB 是 担保的。
        • NBDB托
          The Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) does not provide any coverage for Fully-Paid Securities Lending transactions. Your securities will not be protected by the CIPF while on loan since they will not be held in your securities account. Your Fully-Paid Securities Lending account is not considered a "securities account" or a "customer" account within the meaning of CIPF's coverage policy.
          • 看似有道理。 我 MSG NBDB, COPY AND PASTE YOURS, AND ASK WHY ? 先谢了。
            • me, too. the NBDB msg. service is working well and fast.
        • 太好啦。 越辩越明。我也 想知道 是 什么回事、
    • 股数多才能赚钱,股数少,能赚几个钱?
    • NBDB 有 回信。 看图片, 谁来 解释一下


      • 还有上面提到的借出股票期间的股息呢?到底会不会损失? +1
        • 希望有人能回答
        • 不会。做空的帐户付股息,成本增加 +1
          Short selling comes with many risks; one of which is that you will have to pay dividends on short positions. This can eat into your profit.
          • 谢谢!这个是券商自动会扣除发放到借出人的账户的是吗?
            • 是的。另外提供share lending program 的卷商包括nbdb收到的利息与借出方对分 +1
    • 我用了wealthsimple Fully-Paid Securities Lending Program, 这么久才赚了几分钱。我的股票都是加拿大的大公司,银行股。我也有不少的股票。有类似在WS的人吗?