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Good job. A little add-on to the 琐碎 discussions.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛- A clean desk. My first boss had this huge desk that she got it cleared every night. The next morning, you would see a pool of file folders and paper all over the desk again. They were all well labeled, neatly stacked, placed in order whether it was quarterly end or year end. She worked though them, or as she said, she swam through them one by one. This was in consistency with her other work, such as the folder groups she created for planning and monthly financial reporting. Day after day, our supervisors and coworkers develop the “impression” through these details we present. For accounting professionals, these impressions can enhance or impair our career growth without our knowledge.

- Respect the manager-employee relationship. Recently, I had a lesson of this subtle subject. I offered my help to aother group's manager in my spare time, which was actually in weekend. Of course, I didnt' ask for overtime and never in my mind thought this was something worth to mention. At the end, the subject matter was related to our BU's month-end closing. My manager somehow got to know this and was not happy about it, "because" the other manger didnt' inform him and got his blessing in advance. Not clear about his complain. Cut the long story short, I worked hard on my own time only to annoy my own boss and being misunderstood by another. What I have learned: know your boss's style and don't cross the line.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 企业财务工作: 养成良好的工作习惯
    • 砸一个 WEN ROU & GAN XIE "砖". Thank you so much for sharing such a lot of good stuff with us. You are my professional idol.
    • 顶!//老大,怎么不顺手给文章加精上导读呢?得,就由偶来代劳吧。:)
    • 今晚头晕的要命, 还是坚持看完了,谢谢分享
    • "工资有多高气量就有多大" - totally agree! :)
      • 看你挺闲得啊,上班时间一直keep a close eye on the updates of forum, 你工作真滋润啊
        • 你也挺闲得啊,why do you always keep a close eye on me? :)
          • 不明白你为什么要highlight你自己的回复啊?
            • Hehe, 新同学? 你的回复ROLIA都会自动highlight的
              • 终于明白了, 谢谢
              • 是新男同学。呵呵。
        • 是啊是啊, 既然这么闲, 赶紧写文章交作业吧
          • 哪里象你们那样得闲啊, 我总觉得时间不够用
          • on what topic? I don't have anything in mind. any suggestion? :)
    • 好文,好人,人好工作就能作好,象楼主学习
    • Well said. 再加一句孔夫子的话:子张学干禄。子曰:“多闻阙疑,慎言其余,则寡尤。多见阙殆,慎行其余,则寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,禄在其中矣。”
      • Wow, 高深
      • 没看懂,有些同学就是喜欢欺负那些中文差的LD
      • 白话一下:子张学习求禄位。孔子说:“多听,保留疑问,慎重地谈论其余的,就会减少错误;多看,避开危险,慎重地实行其余的,就会减少悔恨。言语减少了错误,行为减少了悔恨,俸禄就在其中了。” zt
    • 写得好,做得也很好:) 养成有条理的工作习惯和明智的工作态度对任何职业都有益。特别赞同share your expertise和be professional, never emotional。
      • 视情况而定
        关于share experiences,我觉得要看人的。有些人城府挺深的,什么事都不告诉别人,生怕别人知道了显得自己落后了。然后又千方百计想从别人那搞点啥,得到了还不感恩,还把别人的功劳归作自己的,还在老板面前说比自己强的人的坏话。对于这种人,真的没什么好客气的,要以牙还牙。
    • 加4条:1、勤发email,万一有什么事都有记录,时间线也很明了。 2、个人觉得这里的工作环境,大多数人遇事喜欢推给别人,敢于说“不”很重要。 3、遇事不忙指出是谁犯得错误,先想办法把问题解决是个好习惯。 4、关系要处好。
      • 说得好, 所见略同 :-) 这里是我几年前写的上篇:
        • 看了,写得很中肯。谢谢。
    • 尤其同意的是keep a work log
      尤其同意的是keep a work log,何人,何事,advise的何种数据,都要记一笔,免得被人秋后赖帐。以前工作的一个500强公司,人事关系复杂,很多人都喜欢推卸责任,不良老板还常拿手下垫背,明明指示手下做的事,翻脸就说不知道。所有重大事情我都要人签字留底,老板有时侯故意不签字,但事情又逼我们做,我就发email给所有相关人员留证据,说as instructed by xxx,我做了什么事。否则事后所有责任都是我一个人的。
      同样,别人也时不时让我签字。不过可气的是有些人明明是自己的责任,也要把别人拉上分担职责。每次签一些莫名其妙,硬推又得罪人的字,我就清清楚楚写我的职责,比如"I've verified source numbers and assured they're accurate","I've entered the numbers into system and assured they are consistent with the source data,就是说,如果其他方面出问题,别来找我。
      • We called C.Y.A.。
    • 月底了,大家都不忙?
    • Good job. A little add-on to the 琐碎 discussions.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛- A clean desk. My first boss had this huge desk that she got it cleared every night. The next morning, you would see a pool of file folders and paper all over the desk again. They were all well labeled, neatly stacked, placed in order whether it was quarterly end or year end. She worked though them, or as she said, she swam through them one by one. This was in consistency with her other work, such as the folder groups she created for planning and monthly financial reporting. Day after day, our supervisors and coworkers develop the “impression” through these details we present. For accounting professionals, these impressions can enhance or impair our career growth without our knowledge.

      - Respect the manager-employee relationship. Recently, I had a lesson of this subtle subject. I offered my help to aother group's manager in my spare time, which was actually in weekend. Of course, I didnt' ask for overtime and never in my mind thought this was something worth to mention. At the end, the subject matter was related to our BU's month-end closing. My manager somehow got to know this and was not happy about it, "because" the other manger didnt' inform him and got his blessing in advance. Not clear about his complain. Cut the long story short, I worked hard on my own time only to annoy my own boss and being misunderstood by another. What I have learned: know your boss's style and don't cross the line.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我该如何处理呢? 一个俄罗斯的老太太同事总找我麻烦, 而且是不讲道理的,即使她错了,还在其他10 个同事面前, 大声说与我讨论是如何FRASTRATED, 我一直都是忍耐,可是她越发起劲,我到这公司半年之久,你说的没错,职位越低,脾气越大。能不能给些建议,该怎么做呢?
      • 如果不是你的错,站出来指出她说的不对,给出证据(所以平时要注意保留证据,看77文章就知道了)。 做个1-2次她就不敢“欺负”你了。你越是软,她越是欺负你。你不说,还有平时搞好和其他同事的关系,这个老太太过分了,你申诉时候也有人帮你附和一下。


        我们公司也有个这样的。只要她上班(幸好她是个part time的),整个部门就人声鼎沸了,就听她一个人唱戏一样。只要你犯错,她必定像发现新大陆一样,搞的整个部门都要知道才行。她自己犯错就混过去了。刚去也挺怕和她一起工作的,现在她倒来对我说好话了,要是发现错误了,还先小声跑来确认一下是不是我做的,不是我做的她才开始”吆喝“,是我错的,她就会说没关系,大家都会犯错,什么的,呵呵,这个算不算人性弱点啊。
    • 好文! 加进红宝书了, Joyce同学还算工作态度不错.
    • 讲的太好了,都是我这种新入门的小妮子需要的至理名言,打印出来一日读3遍~
    • Support
      Good article!!! Communication and Interaction with people are the two key points to climb the corporate ladder.
    • 金玉良言啊!感谢感谢!现在正在学习中,不过我怀疑自己已经落下了不是很professional的印象了 :(,加上supervisor非常aggressive和push,有时真是觉得难过得要命呢!
    • My choice
      Good article for any career path. Thak you for sharing
    • I am quite interested in your husband's career path---, 从工程师到会计师, 从企业到四大. If you have time, could you PM me some more details. Thanks.
    • 多谢,收藏了