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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Per 在夏天做帐, CA exam in Western Canada

you need 12 pre causes, instead of 17 in East

either do 5 Modules with Chartered Accountant Business School (CASB)
or do Master of Professional Accounting (MPACC) with University of Saskatchewan.

If MPACC, skip First and prepare the following as pre to apply MPACC
6 credits in intermediate accounting (assets and liabilities)
3 credits in advanced accounting (theory or consolidations and equity interests)
6 credits in management or cost accounting
3 credits in tax (personal and corporate)
3 credits in auditing

Module 6 with CASB, which is a simulation of UFE


For those of you who didn't do ur degree here and have neither 12 pre for West nor 17 pre for East,
MPACC might be under considration
But it is very competive
and sort of expensive, normally fina an employer to sponsor
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  • 谈谈CA 考试
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请一位潜水MN写的, 只好用我的ID贴了.

    在参加CA考试之前, 需要有足够的课程Credit, 这些课程Credit可以在安省各大大学修读, 具体细节可在ICAO网站上查询. 另外一个条件时, 你必须是注册的CA学生, 这也就是说, 你需要已在某间CA事务所实习.

    CA考试本身分三级, CKE(Cumulative Knowledge Exam), SOA(School of Accounting ) UFE(Unified Final Exam), CKE在每年一月或四月进行, SOA 为六月, UFE为九月, 如果一切顺利的话, 一年之内可完成所有考试.

    不同的人对这三级考试的难易程度有不同的感觉, 下面就谈谈我自身的经验.

    CKE考试大约四个小时, 全部是单项选择题, 主要考查审计, 会计等各方面的基础知识, 这个考试对我来说是最容易的, 我觉得这个考试对中国学生来说一般都是最容易的. 因为我们从小做过不计其数的选择题, 至少具备对付选择题的一定技巧. 同时, 中国学生的基础知识一般是比较扎实的.

    SOA就开始写Case了, 但SOA的Case相对简单. 一共大概四个Case,长度都差不多, 相关审计, 会计,金融, 税务Organizational effectiveness, 方面的知识都会考到. 写Case学要一定的实践经验, 也就是说你需要通过实践找到自己的强项和弱项, 然后在逐个应对, ICAO网站上有前几年的试题及答案. 在准备时, 应该至少把所有的Case都写一遍. 更重要的是, 写完之后要根据答案进行解析和总结. 只有通过解析和总结, 才能不断进步, 找到写Case的技巧.

    UFE我认为是最难得, 同样是写Case, 但其实Case相对较难, 隐藏在其中的Issue有时不是那麽容易被看出来, 尤其在时间很近紧的情况下. 这个考试一共三天, 头一天是一个大的综合Case, 后两天分别是几个小Case, 但是这个考试的优点是, 如果第一天发挥不好, 还有两天可以赶上. 最重要的是保持冷静和清醒的头脑, 这个考试对每个人都是个很大的挑战,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 辛苦了!
      • 不辛苦, 也就是个打字员的活儿. : )
        • 打字员辛苦了!
    • 打字辛苦了,已加了精,放上了导读。希望你能说服那位考CA的MN不要再潜水了,会计坛需要她。:-)
    • 辛苦辛苦,赞一个
      是from east to west....
    • Per 在夏天做帐, CA exam in Western Canada
      you need 12 pre causes, instead of 17 in East

      either do 5 Modules with Chartered Accountant Business School (CASB)
      or do Master of Professional Accounting (MPACC) with University of Saskatchewan.

      If MPACC, skip First and prepare the following as pre to apply MPACC
      6 credits in intermediate accounting (assets and liabilities)
      3 credits in advanced accounting (theory or consolidations and equity interests)
      6 credits in management or cost accounting
      3 credits in tax (personal and corporate)
      3 credits in auditing

      Module 6 with CASB, which is a simulation of UFE


      For those of you who didn't do ur degree here and have neither 12 pre for West nor 17 pre for East,
      MPACC might be under considration
      But it is very competive
      and sort of expensive, normally fina an employer to sponsor
      • 断句MM的效率太高了; 感觉加西分部的力量在加强。谢谢honeyhoney.
        • 加西分部? West coaster 力量在加强, 这样就对了
          • 谢谢改正,就叫 West coaster 分部吧。
        • 客气客气了。。。
    • CA
      look forward to hearing more from CA's or CPA's in this forum ...
    • CKE ....
      Very interesting .... From the article, the writer said most Chinese people will find CKE easier among the three big CA exams.

      For me, I am not very good with MC typed exams ...is there anything I could do to improve this weakness. Please kindly advise...thanks

      By the way, I will write CKE in Jan 09. I will definitely share my exp with everyone on the forum.
    • 这种UFE考试有REVIEW CLASS吗?或是需要像CMA那怎样读两年SLP吗?