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Treasury系列之 - Annual Financial Officer Conference (I)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛公司今年的AFO Conference在Quebec City举行。各个subsidiaries / divisions 的financial officers 都聚集在了这个美丽的古老城市。咱这次骗吃骗喝的出差记也

走之前老板和我商议好了,要想去免费的骗吃骗喝必需在会议上做半小时的presentation,on treasury related topics。唉,为了能骗到吃喝只好牺牲一下了,花了两天的
时间准备了presentation,苦恼啊。也不知道是哪位出的搜主意,竟然把咱的presentation安排在了第一天的头一个,right after CFO's opening remarks,气死!

第一天九点整,咱厚着脸皮走上了台。看着台下坐着的一群financial officers,聚精会神的等待着我的presentation,我眼前出现的竟然是一盘盘的美食。咱为了
能骗吃骗喝就entertaining你们一下吧。老板给我出的这个难题,先得找机会报复她一下,就随口来了句“If I do well on my presentation, I will take the credit
and if I don't do well, my boss will take the blame”,嘿嘿,终于报仇了。台下即刻转来一片笑声。

在谈到公司去年一年的daily cash balances的时候,咱给大家展示了一个graph,一个类似心电图的graph。很明显的可以看到台下officers迷惘的表情,他们肯定在想
“小姐,你给我们看的是什么呀?”别急,这就给解释一下“what you see here is my unhealthy heart beat, I've accidentally included it in my presentation, sorry folks”。
马上又转来一片笑声。到目前为止,咱把这群officers entertaining的还算成功。玩笑开完了,该说点正经的了吧?你们真以为这是咱的心电图,看看你
们这帮officers干的好事吧,去年一年的cash balances fluctuated so much,就像heart beat。今年还不老老实实,认认真真的做好你们的cash flow forecast?
趁热打铁,紧接着就给officer们上了一堂课:如何improve the accuracy of cash flow forecast,外加introducing a new CF forecast model。哈哈,这下够你们回

事先安排好的半小时的presentation到最后竟然让我罗嗦了近两小时,wrap up 的时候还有些意尤未尽, 看来咱还是挺能忽悠的,呵呵。

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Treasury系列之 - Annual Financial Officer Conference (I)
    • 又抢了个沙发先 - Seriously, 你越来越向没劲靠拢了。LOL
      • 先把你定住,让你想让沙发也不行。 :-)
      • 不许说我坏话! :(. 你这个沙发占得有点inside trading的嫌疑,让给我,我就装糊涂.
    • jinx99,强烈要求把这篇加到红宝书的“经典废话”里。那里面怎么能没我的废话呢,太没面子了。
    • 能否PM一份presentation and model copy?这样我下下个星期就可以休假了.最多我保证 not to violate Standard I(C).
      • but you will still be in violation of Standard II(A).
        • Don't worry. Just give me last year's.
          • this year's and last year's are the same, material nonpublic information.
    • 谢谢分享许多人无法得到的经验。Joyce不错,虽然丢下一大家子好几天,但回来就写生动有趣的故事。要表扬! :)
    • Seriously, 能否具体讲一下:如何improve the accuracy of cash flow forecast? 我现在每天10点就得上班,忙着draw down or repay. 全都是那些forecast惹的祸.
      • 我的处境和你差不多,所以一气之下就把那个类似"心电图"的graph给大家看了。老实说,再好的model都是假的,主要还是要让那些officers在做CF forecast 的时候 上心,别随便给堆数字糊弄过去了事。
        我现在要求他们每天给我个电话或e-mail update 当天的CF情况(当然如果和forecast的出入不大就不用汇报了),这样就逼着他们每天去discuss with their collection & payable
      • Also, can you think of any major payments that can be centralized?
      • 每天10点"就得"上班? What a "terrible" working hour.
        • 井底之蛤蟆.
          • haha :-)
          • 天哪!好深的井啊!好帅的蛤蟆啊!
    • 这篇还真是“经典废话”。 Email我一份presentation and model copy。 就给你上导读(假公济私我可是一把好手)
      • 本来还等你帮我加进“经典废话”里呢,你却躲起来了,不够朋友。
        • Oh, you did it yourself. Good job. // btw, this reminds me I had made some red paper flowers to praise myself when I was in kindergarten. :-)
          • hehe, were you trying to say that I acted like a kindergarten kid? :-)
    • 这篇确实写得挺有意思。
    • Good starting, waiting for the next one and congratulate on it being add to “经典废话", you deserve it.
    • 嗯,封你为忽悠王,快写续集,等不及啦:D