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I don't really believe you, but I enjoyed reading it. You should have posted this in the neighbouring forum. Brian & Tony Gold - Hey sexy lady.

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  • 调情篇 - 夏日风情


    游泳回来的路上顺便去加个油,站在加油泵旁一边加油一边想,如果现在要是吹过一阵大风把裙子吹起来我该怎么办呢?玛莉莲梦露那经典的裙飘片段在脑子里浮现。。。呵呵,也许我嘴角浮起的浅笑被旁边的一位大叔看到,以为我对他笑呢,进去付钱时大叔路过我身边轻声说:“Listen, You are a sexy woman." 我笑着谢了他,心里却在想难道他能感觉到我没穿底裤吗?或者是荷尔蒙惹得祸告诉了这个小秘密 :P
    • 顶原创;P
    • I don't really believe you, but I enjoyed reading it. You should have posted this in the neighbouring forum. Brian & Tony Gold - Hey sexy lady.
    • When you feel free, you are sexy. People will take notice and change their attitude toward you. Therefore changing your heart will change the world you live in.
      I go to office in jeans without underwear. Girls and women look at me with smile and shining eyes, as if they can see my dangling stuff down there.
    • really really nice! indeed. 正在想,如果男生也内真空,是否也能体会感受到这种 清爽 自由的感觉呢?
      • true. I enjoying the dangling and breathing sensation.
      • 男生可以裸睡呀,白天内真空会不会让人感觉很变态?毕竟要穿裤子的,那话儿滴里嘟噜的很碍事吧:P
        • push inside somewhere :-)
    • 你不刮毛毛啊,游泳的时候会不会露出来?