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上星期天去tim hortons就好了

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  • How to resolve the problem of sex thirsty?
    I just feel a bit horny these days, and I do not know how to solve this problem. I know it is not right. I do not have any friends here and feel lonely all the time. In my world, there is no boyfriend, no love, nothing intimate, and nothing at all. I am not looking for ONS/MNS. I guess the price for that is too high and I am not able to handle and undertake the consequences/responsibilities.
    I am female.
    Are there any female in the same situation and how you solve all these problems?
    • why not buy a toy?
    • 这个问题,我觉得google可能比rolia好使……
      • may I know why?
    • 不要听梁彪的,你应该多读毛选,and 穿巨大的内裤!
    • My bf and I looking for the third person to join to have fun. would you be interested? he can satisfy you
      • Thanks. I do not have a boyfriend. If I can have one, I prefer one to one.
        • Smart. But one thing I don't understand: you are thirsting for sex, but you don't want to have sex. Sounds illogical.
    • 为什么“I know it is not right”?
      There is nothing wrong with "being horny", 至少说明你是一个正常人. 找男朋友谨慎一点是应该的,但不找就是不应该的了。谈恋爱要以相伴终生为目标,但不能害怕不能相伴终生就轻易撤退了。
      • 还是买个玩具算了。 找男人太累, 又不想打扰卷入别人的私生活,又不是很想一夜情,那还找什么呀。 该结婚的都结婚了。
        • 把我当成是你买的玩具就行了。
        • 性饥渴只有男人可以帮你
    • would you like emailing me (bankjohn@hotmail.com) or QQ: 2419104902 making a bf is not a bad thing. friend is a friend, physical or mental . have a fun
    • 买个玩具吧, 那感觉一定跟找个男人不一样的. 既道德, 又卫生啊,呵呵.
      • 我对你的说法有意见, 难道男人“ 不道德,不卫生”?
    • 强贴留名。写得真好,,,,我是来学英语的,
    • 上星期天去tim hortons就好了