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工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问,是否有软件可以通过局域网关闭网上的另一台机器.谢谢
Shutdown.exe in Win2K resource kit
Thanks, unforturnatly, I want to use the PC with win98 to shutdown the PC with winXP. Is that any way?
It's a file called shutdown.exe, you can use it to remote shutdown your computer if your computer support auto shutdown. You can use command "shutdown /?" to check how to use it. You want to use it in office or home?
It's a dos program, it runs on any OS(MS).
I find the program. But it is only for local use. I want to operate through LAN. How could I run though this PC to close that one?
You need have rights to shutdown that WS. Another best way is using Kixtart, but you need do some programming.
I use it at home, So I have whole right to both. So, there are no any out off the shelf program for me?
There is another shutdown.exe in NT 4 resource kit, should work. You can use "shutdown \\computername", but difficult to setup the rights.
Another way is you can use Shutdown.exe locally, just creat a batch file, then creat a schedule task to run the batch file. You can remotely change the schedule time.