"巴西确实有酒精燃料,而且成功使用了20多年,那是那里的条件决定的。" so what happened in Brazil and why doesn't work in US? I really want to learn. Is this technology limited or market limited?
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
看懂了. Because you said it is cheating, so it MUST be cheating, even if you can buy and burn E85 fuel in North America NOW. BTW, I do know that currently E85 doesn't save money, but at least this is the first step, and it doesn't hurt.
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
Take it east, nobody said that we all start burning corn fuel from tomorrow. E85 is a start and it is not only from corn. Even if E85 can replace 1/10 of current gasoline, it is still a big step forward. BTW, not all E85 are energy balance negative.
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
哥们你对biofuel了解的很有限啊。用玉米或其他谷物发酵生产酒精确实是一种工业方法,但也基本属于老方法了。耕地有限,当然很受局限。现在正在研究发展的新兴方法是生物工程的Cellulosic ethanol。又称ceetol。就是说要能从任何纤维中经过发酵生产出酒精。任何属于lignocellulose raw material 都能用来制造酒精,包括回收的垃圾里也应有尽有。现在关键的问题是要解决高效经济的纤维水解酶的开发。你既然是搞工程和化学的,应该能看出这里的重要意义。
Hey, you are saying that "酒精燃料是比氢气燃料更接近现实的骗局", and I thought "氢电池" is based on "氢气燃料" which should be another "骗局", it isn't???
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
I am a engineer, and I believe hydrogen fuel cell exists and it is valuable, even if it is not suitable for automobile, it can be used somewhere else. Everything being researched as alternative energy is valuable, even if it failed. This is engineering.
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
Hydrogen fuel cell is not mine. All I know is that there are people working on it and there are production cars for lease as of today. I don't care whether you call it cheating or not, I know you don't care.
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);
Yes, I did read one article from Car and Driver last year about a guy in US put used vegetable oil into his VW. Because he collected too many and he got fined from the government because individuals are not allowed to "keep large amount of fuel".
-liquid(豆泡松果 之 松果豆泡);