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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Francis Farrell: Ukraine could still lose the war. Let’s get some things straight
    This November has been a particularly grim one here in Ukraine. Over the past month, two media sensations in big Western magazines served as a sober wake-up call about the state of the war. First, Simon Shuster’s profile in TIME magazine on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s “lonely fight”
    • 主要看中国的方向力度
      • 大陆一直在邪路上狂奔,离经济垮台也不远了,属于自作自受,罪有应得。
    • 北约秘书长说了,既要援助乌克兰,但又要阻止北约和俄罗斯直接开战!还要乌克兰能胜利❓
    • If Russia stops fighting, there will be no war, but if Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.” This phrase was often repeated in the early months of the full-scale war, and the truth of it hasn’t changed since. 乌克兰除了战斗,还是没选择。 +1