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Incredibly amazing....


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 号外:Keystone pipeline is dead!
    • 希望加拿大能把输油管直接铺到中国去 +1
    • Good!
    • 新总理在外交上的第一个成绩。
      • The 3rd one, after quiting fight with ISIS, and cancelling the F35 procurement.
    • 好事坏事?国内油价能降吗?给个briefing呗。
      • 应该是好事,现在油价那么低,。。会倒贴钱的!!
        • Really? On Nov 4th, the same day the Liberal sworn in, the gas price here jumped from 109.9 to 118.9.
          • 赶快去核心区Thornhill Woods买房,天天$0.95
    • 几年了都没个决定,这才说不打ISIS了,那边就拒了keystone.
      • 是巧合吗?反正我是不信。
      • 我知道美国的大嘴巴子一定要扇回来,但是我没想到会这么快!
    • Excellent another Harper's key project is gone.
      • "supported by Stephen Harper and newly installed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau"
      • Move on, stop blaming Harper, and focus on the real interest of Canadians. 输油管计划泡汤,不利于加拿大石油出口,会导致石油工人失业,你认为应该鼓掌?
        • That would be a good thing. Depending on oil is a dead end. Move on.
          • So short-sighted. Canada has such rich deposit of oil and you are saying it's dead. So many people's lives are dependent on oil. I hope you will be our prime minister. I'll vote for you.
            • Well it is what it is. If you can make it happen go and get it done, and good luck.
    • Justin Trudeau 'disappointed' with U.S. rejection of Keystone
      • Why? We shall celebrate! We need a real change, right? We'll have marijuana, it will be our next industry that Canada will depend on.
        • 是啊,都是环保的好基友,应该回家抽一炮。
          • Incredibly amazing....
            • 刺哥也庆祝下吧,与党同乐
              • Not affiliated to any party never had the interest.
          • lol
    • 本来就是个p。。。。被美国玩弄了这么多年。。。有意思吗? +4
      • EXACTLY
        • 赞有志气,如同苦苦追求一姑娘,被姑娘狠抽了一耳光后,背后阿Q地说,谁稀罕她,哈哈 +2
          • Who did? Not everyone is like you I am afraid.
          • 苦苦哀求的是哈博,别搞错人
            • Justin Trudeau 'disappointed' with U.S. rejection of Keystone -- Justin Trudeau不稀罕这个。
      • 唉。。。说你的国家被【玩弄了这么多年】,觉得这个有意思吗?给+1的同学觉得有意思吗?
    • 笑死啦。
      • 请考虑石油行业人员的感受,人家也要工作和吃饭,谢谢。
        • 我很矛盾,我不支持这条输油管,因为对环境威胁太大,人类不能再做孽了。我不同意。
          • 赞环保。
            • 上次温哥华港湾漏油事件,还有阿省漏油死亡了大批鸟类等事件,让我很反感输油管,非常反感。人类不能为了自己而太没良心了。
        • 把阿省的石油工人都弄去吃福利,阿省就会从蓝变红。
          • 现在已经是橙色了: Alberta NDP anounces record $6.1-billion deficit
      • Justin Trudeau 'disappointed' with U.S. rejection of Keystone -- Justin Trudeau 也没傻到家,不象楼上的 有些,居然要庆祝。
        • 我没有绿党的环保政策那么左,但是,我不觉得这个方法最好。
    • 唉,输油管网真是没谱。加拿大的开采技术一流,只是油田真不咋地。