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These laws(C51) risks criminalising speech, by making it illegal for anyone to advocate or “promote” terrorism. But here’s the unanswered question: how will this be interpreted in the real world?[6] Will this law be used to detain a small child, as happened recently in France?[7] What about a group of mum-and-dad protesters, who MPs might label “eco-terrorists”? Who gets to decide, and can we trust these people to make these decisions without proper oversight?
[6] How Ottawa’s new terrorism act could chill free speech. The Globe and Mail, February 5, 2015.
[7] 8-year-old detained by police for saying he supported Charlie Hebdo attackers. The Star, January 29 2015.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 因言获罪,好不好呢?一个法国8岁小孩因说支持恐怖分子而被捕。也许加拿大以后就是这个样了。
    These laws(C51) risks criminalising speech, by making it illegal for anyone to advocate or “promote” terrorism. But here’s the unanswered question: how will this be interpreted in the real world?[6] Will this law be used to detain a small child, as happened recently in France?[7] What about a group of mum-and-dad protesters, who MPs might label “eco-terrorists”? Who gets to decide, and can we trust these people to make these decisions without proper oversight?
    [6] How Ottawa’s new terrorism act could chill free speech. The Globe and Mail, February 5, 2015.
    [7] 8-year-old detained by police for saying he supported Charlie Hebdo attackers. The Star, January 29 2015.
    • 8岁小孩因说支持恐怖分子而被捕 -- 抓错了,应该把爹妈抓起来,属于是从精神上残害儿童。 +1