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艾滋病的窗口期是查不出来的:Because the HIV tests used to screen donor blood are highly accurate—but they aren't perfect. If you have been infected with HIV recently,

even the most sensitive test may not show it, and you can infect others if your blood is transfused to them.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 自由党的减税,是个人!!收入不是家庭。44,700 and $89,401税率从22减到20.5 https://www.liberal.ca/realchange/middle-class-tax-cut/?shownew=1
    a new tax bracket of 33 percent for individuals earning more than $200,000
    each year.
    • 自由党在这里减下来的税,可以轻易以其他方式更多的收回去,请参见安省的 health premium, HST, environment fee, 碳税,等等等等。。。
      • Carbon quota, Liberal has no extra tax.
        • Carbon tax a sure thing in Kathleen Wynne's Ontario.
          • Carbon surcharge, carbon due, or carbon liability.. But liberal has no extra tax. People, you need think positive, think it as surcharge, due or liability...
            • Whatever you want to call it, it is a tax. +1
      • 现在是选联邦,health premium 和性教育法案都是安省自由党干的,只能下次改选。
        • 一丘之貉。 +7
          • 同意。什么联邦,省,两个自由党统统滚开!
    • 自由党在这里减下来的税,可以轻易以其他方式更多的收回去,请参见安省的 health premium, HST, environment fee, 碳税,等等等等
      • 自由党就是会跟你玩阴的,给你点小甜头,然后让你放大血。 +1
    • 自由党的加强控枪政策,其实和大多数华人观念相近,家里有枪基本够用了。
    • 男同可以献血,得,一票否决。 +2
      • 这是要干什么?拉着你一起寻死吗?
      • 男同可以献血给男同,很正常呀。血型一样就可以
        • 血袋上是不会注明供血者是男同的,所以这些血完全有可能被注入非男同体内。
          • 血型应该标注呀!还有艾滋不写吗?
            • 艾滋有窗口期,不是马上就能查出来的。
            • 艾滋血难道不扔掉吗?有问题的血是不能用于临床使用的,否则岂不是等于给患者血里下毒?加拿大可能有这种恐怖阴损的事儿吗?
              • 还真有。加拿大红十字会的血液丑闻:“More than 1100 Canadians were infected with HIV and 20,000 contracted Hepatitis C from blood transfusions given by the Red Cross during that period”
            • 艾滋病的窗口期是查不出来的:Because the HIV tests used to screen donor blood are highly accurate—but they aren't perfect. If you have been infected with HIV recently,
              even the most sensitive test may not show it, and you can infect others if your blood is transfused to them.

              • 同意男同献血不就是等于协助往健康人血里下毒--艾滋病毒?以后治病,还敢输血吗?死也不能输啊,否则让你生不如死。
            • 输血感染HIV/Hepatitis 死了三千多个: in total, more than 1,000 Canadians were infected with HIV and 20,000 with hepatitis C due to tainted blood in the 80s, over 3,000 of whom have died.
              • 可怕
    • Lib的减税就别报幻想了。看看省领导这10几年,苛捐杂税越来越多,有些甚至是损人不利已。
      • 先给你减掉几分钱税,然后马上给你造个新名目的税,更高!当年mcguinty 竞选的时候,没提什么health premium吧,然后呢?老百姓最终交的税比之前更高了,但同时医疗服务却减少了,钱哪里去了?自由党,骗子!
        • 据说8%的省税要调整到8.5%了。万恶的Lib。
          • 让自由党滚蛋!先是联邦的,然后是安省的。
        • 那个HEALTH税是挺无耻,估计也没神马办法。现在的医疗系统开销太大,感觉迟早会出问题。省选的时候,没哪个党说要把这个税取消吧?
          • 变性手术要公费了,这时候有钱了。