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【最新跟进】Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement reached (协议达成了。)


Canada has become a founding member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trading block that will enjoy a significant drop in tariffs nearly across the board while fundamentally changing the nature of the North American auto industry and nudging Canada's supply-managed agricultural sectors towards greater international trade.

Canadian officials briefing media and industry stakeholders in Ottawa early Monday morning outlined a wide range of new export opportunities for Canadian industries.

For example, Canadian beef exports to Japan — the world's third largest economy — currently subject to tariffs of over 38 per cent, will be lowered to 9 per cent over the next 15 years.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 【关于泛亚太地区经贸合作关系网(Trans-Pacific Partnership)】目前还在谈判阶段,哈珀总理说,要不要加入,不由保守党一党决定,而要看议会投票结果。NDP坚决反对,NDP唐老鸭立刻到魁北克等地支持坚决反对这个贸易网的加拿大奶农。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛连接是什么是TPP,以及加拿大为啥想加入。

    What is the TPP?

    If it succeeds, this deal will form a trading block representing roughly 40 per cent of the world's gross domestic product.

    The free trade push started small in 2005, with a sub-group of the larger Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum — New Zealand, Chile, Singapore and Brunei. It grew to include the United States, Australia, Peru, Vietnam and Malaysia by 2008. When Japan expressed interest in joining, Mexico and Canada felt they needed to be in too. Canada officially joined in 2012.

    The TPP is a plurilateral agreement — a World Trade Organization term for a sub-group of countries voluntarily agreeing to specific rules. (Under a multilateral agreement, all countries must sign on to everything.) Elements of the negotiations are not always reciprocal — Country A might offer something that benefits Country B, in return for something Country A wants from Countries D and E, who in turn might exact a concession from Country B.

    Everyone's trying to meet what each perceives as the definition of a winning compromise — perhaps not in every area, but overall — and that's why the talks are so complicated

    Trade ministers and senior negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries are holed up in intense talks in Atlanta, trying to reach an agreement in principle for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

    The ministers originally were scheduled to meet until the end of Thursday, but International Trade Minister Ed Fast told reporters he hasn't booked a return plane ticket yet.

    Their last meeting two months ago in Hawaii almost nailed it down: 98 per cent of the deal has been agreed to, sources suggest. Will everyone stay in the room this time for as long as it takes to tie things off?
    ■Canada's east-west divide stoked by TPP trade deal talks
    ■Talks don't violate caretaker convention, Joe Oliver says
    ■Analysis: Ministers back at table as Canada preps final offer on dairy, autos

    While we wait, here's what we know and what we don't know:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谁敢反对TPP,就踢他屁屁。
      • 奶农们反对得厉害,NDP唐老鸭也起哄,表示坚决支持呢。
    • 千万不要高估NDP的智商
      • NDP完蛋了,不可能上去了。最新民意,第一第二都是保守党自由党轮流坐庄,NDP稳固地滑下去,在第三名,而且支持率越来越低,从27%到27%以下。
    • 【最新跟进】Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement reached (协议达成了。)

      Canada has become a founding member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trading block that will enjoy a significant drop in tariffs nearly across the board while fundamentally changing the nature of the North American auto industry and nudging Canada's supply-managed agricultural sectors towards greater international trade.

      Canadian officials briefing media and industry stakeholders in Ottawa early Monday morning outlined a wide range of new export opportunities for Canadian industries.

      For example, Canadian beef exports to Japan — the world's third largest economy — currently subject to tariffs of over 38 per cent, will be lowered to 9 per cent over the next 15 years.
      • 路透社报道,奥巴马今日在谈到跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)时称,“我们不能让中国这样的国家书写全球经济规则。”。
        • 美国把中东搞得乱七八糟,还不罢休,还要把泛亚太咋样?不过,如果加拿大可以从这个里面得到最大的好处,我们应该支持。哈珀总理做事儿,不会没有考量的。他不是唐老鸭。
        • Seeeee
      • AUTO会受影响, 但是不签, 影响已经存在了, 很多JOBS已经转移出到, 那些不在协议的国家, 很多FINAL ASSEMBLY 已经搬出安省, 所以,不如签, 从全局来说.  +1
        • 要看得到的利益是最多还是最少。不可能十全十美,是吧?
          • 贸易协定, 都是这样的, 不可能所有便宜占尽, 都是有得有失, 关键看失的是增长的, 还是技术落后, 或大势已去的. +1
            • 哈珀总理这一招还是很RISKY的。所以,我很佩服他的撑死胆儿大的行为,嘻嘻。 +1
              • 关键是在这个节骨眼上, 他还敢动, 所以这样的政党还是有节操的, 不能全为了选票, 不干正事. +1
                • Oh dear... That's just his another last straw...
                  • 郑重警告红脖子。如果你再DEAR我们保守党的女同学,我们要对你不择手段了,吓死你,让你发抖哈哈。
                    • LOL
                      • 红脖子一自由党元老。总是DEAR我们保守党女同学,我们保守党感到不好意思了。嘻嘻。
                        • Unlike you I don't belong to any party.
                          • 我的LITTLE HORSE都不信,被说我和安知鱼同学了。别装了,红脖子,我们看穿你了。
                            • 还有LITTLE HORSE的奶奶, 也看穿他了. LOL
                              • 人奶奶都不理他。所以他必须做饭给自己吃,嘻嘻。
                  • 对错, 好坏, 先放一边. 你有这个胆, 在这个时刻, 签这个吃力不讨好的东西吗? +1
                    • 如果到了红脖子的年龄,我们也能这么激情万丈,这么理想主义,这么情感主义,这么不理智,我会感到很烧高香的。
                      • 这都一堆什么乱七八糟的东西, 让你凑一块儿啦. LOL. 就一句话, 煮熟的鸭子, 嘴硬.
                        • 到这份儿上了,红脖子还说得出他没有党派倾向,需要多大的激情才可以这么出得了口啊。我很敬仰。LOL。
                • 哈珀总理说,会让议会投票决定加拿大加不加入,保守党不会一党专政。
                  • unless you don't know his party is majority.
                    • 现在国会散会了,选举结果还未知,去你的。
                      • Sure you can have another prorogation to your advantage.
                        • 看不懂英文,SORRY。
    • TPP十二个国家:文莱,智力,新加坡,新西兰,美国,澳大利亚,秘鲁,越南,马来西亚,墨西哥,加拿大,日本。(我差点儿犯了个错,那只有一个五角星的红旗,是越南国旗。气死人了。差点儿看成中国国旗了。)
      New Zealand
      United States
      • 故意绕开中国的
        • 中国也想加入吧?我猜?
          • 中国好像在搞RCEP,还没谈下来
            • 会不会都是穷国家加入?
          • 狼入羊群爽,当然想啦。这些国家都傻乎乎的守信用不懂潜规则。买美国软件居然给钱!
      • TPP主要是针对中国的,以中国目前的情况想要到加入门槛还是很困难的。。
        • 美国等西方国家见不得中国或者俄罗斯太强势,有太多爪牙。LOL。
      • 因为针对中国,所以日本连多年的农产品保护也愿意放弃
        • 越南都进去了。不过,没菲律宾,我很吃惊。
          • 越南虽然是社会主义国家政改最成功的国家,但我还是怀疑他的法律基础能到TPP的要求。。
            • 南部越南还是很富裕的。