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Fed holds rates steady, citing global economic concerns

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The U.S. Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Thursday in a nod to concerns about a weak world economy, but left open the possibility of a modest policy tightening later this year.

In what amounted to a tactical retreat, the U.S. central bank said an array of global risks and other factors had convinced it to delay what would have been the first rate hike in nearly a decade.

“Recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term,” the Fed said in its policy statement following the end of a two-day meeting. It added the risks to the U.S. economy remained nearly balanced but that it was “monitoring developments abroad.”

However, the central bank maintained its bias towards a rate hike sometime this year, while lowering its long-term outlook for the economy. Fresh economic projections showed 13 of 17 Fed policymakers still foresee raising rates at least once in 2015, down from 15 at the last meeting in June. Four policy makers now believe rates should not be raised until at least 2016, compared to two who felt that way in June.

The Fed has policy meetings in October and December.

In deciding when to hike rates, the Fed repeated that it wanted to see “some further improvement in the labor market,” and be “reasonably confident” that inflation will increase.

Taken as a whole, the latest Fed projections of slower GDP growth, low unemployment and still low inflation suggest that concerns of a so-called secular stagnation may be taking root among Fed policy makers. One policymaker even suggested a negative federal funds rate.

The median projection of the 17 policy makers showed the Fed expects the economy to grow 2.1 percent this year, slightly faster than previously thought. However, its forecasts for GDP growth in 2016 and 2017 were downgraded.

Policymakers also forecast inflation to creep only slowly toward the Fed’s 2 percent target even as unemployment dips lower than previously expected. They now expect the unemployment rate to hit 4.8 percent next year, remaining at that level for as long as three years.

The Fed’s projected path of interest rates shifted downward, with the long-run federal funds rate now seen at 3.5 percent, compared to 3.75 percent at the last policy meeting.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen was scheduled to hold a press conference later Thursday afternoon to elaborate on the decision.

The vote on the policy statement was a sign of how China’s economic slowdown and market slide left Fed officials unnerved about the state of the world economy. Only Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker dissented.

In recent months Fed officials like board member Jerome Powell and Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart had publicly endorsed a September rate hike, forming a near majority along with longstanding inflation hawks like Lacker.

In the end, however, they were left with a muddled picture marked by low U.S. unemployment and steady economic growth, but no sign that inflation has begun to rise towards the Fed’s target.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 美联储明天议息,大家猜猜看,老美会加息不?
    • 叫了好几年了,加个0.25。。。又有啥大不了的。。。
      • 加不了,美国的事情从来没准儿。 +6
    • 现在全球经济一体化,美国就算是加息也就是意思一下。付房贷的朋友们好好享受长期低利率吧。
    • 很可能加25 bps
    • 加息,加币跌,利好加国房产。 不加息,加国也不加或降息。房产利好。 +2
    • 不加
    • 这次不会。但年底前可能会。
    • 加息的可能性只有25%. +1
      • Fed holds rates steady, citing global economic concerns
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The U.S. Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Thursday in a nod to concerns about a weak world economy, but left open the possibility of a modest policy tightening later this year.

        In what amounted to a tactical retreat, the U.S. central bank said an array of global risks and other factors had convinced it to delay what would have been the first rate hike in nearly a decade.

        “Recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term,” the Fed said in its policy statement following the end of a two-day meeting. It added the risks to the U.S. economy remained nearly balanced but that it was “monitoring developments abroad.”

        However, the central bank maintained its bias towards a rate hike sometime this year, while lowering its long-term outlook for the economy. Fresh economic projections showed 13 of 17 Fed policymakers still foresee raising rates at least once in 2015, down from 15 at the last meeting in June. Four policy makers now believe rates should not be raised until at least 2016, compared to two who felt that way in June.

        The Fed has policy meetings in October and December.

        In deciding when to hike rates, the Fed repeated that it wanted to see “some further improvement in the labor market,” and be “reasonably confident” that inflation will increase.

        Taken as a whole, the latest Fed projections of slower GDP growth, low unemployment and still low inflation suggest that concerns of a so-called secular stagnation may be taking root among Fed policy makers. One policymaker even suggested a negative federal funds rate.

        The median projection of the 17 policy makers showed the Fed expects the economy to grow 2.1 percent this year, slightly faster than previously thought. However, its forecasts for GDP growth in 2016 and 2017 were downgraded.

        Policymakers also forecast inflation to creep only slowly toward the Fed’s 2 percent target even as unemployment dips lower than previously expected. They now expect the unemployment rate to hit 4.8 percent next year, remaining at that level for as long as three years.

        The Fed’s projected path of interest rates shifted downward, with the long-run federal funds rate now seen at 3.5 percent, compared to 3.75 percent at the last policy meeting.

        Fed Chair Janet Yellen was scheduled to hold a press conference later Thursday afternoon to elaborate on the decision.

        The vote on the policy statement was a sign of how China’s economic slowdown and market slide left Fed officials unnerved about the state of the world economy. Only Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker dissented.

        In recent months Fed officials like board member Jerome Powell and Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart had publicly endorsed a September rate hike, forming a near majority along with longstanding inflation hawks like Lacker.

        In the end, however, they were left with a muddled picture marked by low U.S. unemployment and steady economic growth, but no sign that inflation has begun to rise towards the Fed’s target.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 本来无所谓,中国一阅兵美国也只好加了,要不还怎么谈判。
    • 不会加,年底也加不了 +1
      • 同意。
    • 应该今年是不会加了吧。联储的态度经常飘忽不定,但做决策时一般都很谨慎,现在的各项数据还不能支撑加息的决定。而且美元强势油价低迷都会抑制美国的通胀率,这两年美国不需要调息,应该都能享受低通胀高增长的蜜月期了。 +1
    • Yellen属于放水派的。她以前在国会作证的时候就表示就业市场比通胀更重要,何况现在美国的通胀还很低。
    • 倒底升了吗?
      • America’s central bank will announce at 2pm EDT , whether it will raise borrowing costs for the first time since the financial crisis began
        • 2:02PM now
          • fed leave rate unchanged. annouanced
            • 涨涨涨 +1
          • 2:04now +1
    • 不变
      • 多数人也认为Fed心理战啦
        • 今年多半没戏了,等明年吧
          • 明年也得看中国怎样。