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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Will be even better soon - Canada 2nd Only To Greece In Household Debt Growth, Risks Crisis: Study


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 48%的加拿大房子,早就没有按揭了! +1
    • Canada household debt ratio hits new record of 163.3%, With an even lower interest rate the ratio will be climbing much higher
      • 又是 叹 涨 , 没完没了了. +1
        • Will be even better soon - Canada 2nd Only To Greece In Household Debt Growth, Risks Crisis: Study
          • 文中图的数据只到2014Q2,加上这1年来3次降息,房市火热,debt growth肯定更快了
            • That's for sure.
          • 叹 涨
      • 统计方法有误。
        • What's your take then? Debt free?
          • Household debt to disposable income was 163.3%
            • Is it good or bad?
              • not bad at all
                • I see. Then the World Bank shall have a qualified candidate on the waiting list to replace the current president.
          • 统计时,根本未能够加入考量的因素,如 大量的加拿大人在全球藏匿disposable income,以及海量的 unobserved income。
            • Really? What about this - Canada 2nd Only To Greece In Household Debt Growth, Risks Crisis: Study  (#9558392@0)
              • 哈哈。。。你要是能说服探长相信任何不利于房价上涨的消息和研究结果,我就让太阳从西边升起。。。
                • I am not trying to convince him anything but just to share a simple but undeniable fact.
                  • 凡是对他的疯涨理论不利的fact,他都一概否论的。。。不过,我谢谢你分享这些信息啦。。。
                    • 看问题,要综合看。
    • 这个也值得你高兴??!!我感觉很悲哀。。。移民为他们养老,移民为他们接盘高价房。。。 +1
      • 受"烧烤"模式的帝都人,纷纷到"全球最受人称赞""全球声誉最佳"国家加拿大("most admired" country with the "best reputation")买蓝天、买空气、买食品安全、、、= 物超所值!
        • 帝都人都来了的话,加拿大的蓝天、空气、食品安全堪忧 +1
          • 当然不能够都来。欢迎有识之士!多多益善。
            • 你所谓“有识之士”,就是敢于贷款最大化,疯狂买房的人吧?。。。可我认为“有识之士”都会留在中国。。。因为大多数有识之士都不愿意混吃等死。。。 +2
            • Well, come here doing nothing but get social welfare... We pay the bill, they live in huge houses...
              • live in huge houses = pay huge bill
                • Property tax only. Not necessarily income tax.
              • sale house to 有识之士, 你也 make $
                • Lucky me. Thanks but no. Never like realtors never will.