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Trudeau says he'd soften how Canada deals with ISIS

The sickness and depravity of the Islamic State terrorists knows no bounds. This much should be obvious to everyone. But apparently it isn't to Justin Trudeau. The Liberal leader says that if he's elected, he'll soften how Canada deals with the terror group.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Trudeau says he'd soften how Canada deals with ISIS
    The sickness and depravity of the Islamic State terrorists knows no bounds. This much should be obvious to everyone. But apparently it isn't to Justin Trudeau. The Liberal leader says that if he's elected, he'll soften how Canada deals with the terror group.
    • Jonathan S • 3 hours ago: i nominate Justin Trudeau as our peacefully resolution ambassador to ISIS.
      Please leave tommorow and venture into the action to bring peace and happiness to the world. As a carrot you can even promise we will wothdraw our CF-18s if they can find a peaceful resolution to the chaos.
      • 他说的对,如果恐怖分子喜欢上了搞基,就软化了。 +1
        • loooooooooooooooooooooooool
          • 还真有,艾滋都得上了!
            • 赞经验 /经历丰富
    • Political suicide +1
    • 他现在是彻底地乱了方寸,被NDP挤得不晓得是往右边靠靠,还是往左边跳崖。 +1
    • It’s a tough decision,
      pulling out of bombing mission is not necessarily a good solution, but the status quo is not working neither. Understandable, no one wants to send ground troops to fight ISIS, which in my view is the only way to win the battle. We’re definitely in a dilemma here. But don’t forget, the WWII didn’t officially start until Hitler invaded Poland, we’re going to have to wait for that “trigger”.
      • I don't understand the reasons of not sending ground troops.
        • It's all about politics which is always complicated, and I don't think we have reached the "point" that would make them pull the trigger.
        • 左左怕见血
      • Agree. wait for the trigger to declare the war.