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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 加拿大PR 想办个美签证, 这个月网刚更新了, 请问二个人同时申请, 是每个都要填DS160? 如何把他们面试的时间都放一起? 谢谢.
    • 两个人,每人一个DS160号码。然后,预约面试时间,同时约,同一个时间。
      • Thanks.已经约了, 有什么不可以带进去的?
        • costco照了像, 后面不用人签名吧?
          • 大家都在哪里停车???谢谢
            • 照葫芦画瓢用过,靠谱,多伦多美国领事馆办美国签证停车场示意图,见LINK
              • xiexie。没看懂,远吗?给一个地址行吗?
        • 手机不给进,没有储物箱,坐公车的要特别注意
      • I want to apply for my mom. I just checked the website and saw that they ask to upload the photo. Must I upload to website or I can bring when interview?
        Also, can I make an appointment for interview at first or I have to submit the form at first? thanks.
        • 1)submit photo first , you can go to 123passportphoto to edit .2) submit form first then request interview ,
          • thanks a lot! I guess I can take the phone by using my own camera and then edit that website, right? Also, do you know how long it will take to get an interview? my mom wants to go to travel in May.
            • 一般20天-1.5月吧,要想快的话就半夜多刷网,有可能刷到明天的。
            • 对,自己照就行。
            • 17,19 23-27 都有
              • Thanks a lot for reply! when I filled DS-160, they asked your contact information in U.S. where are you going? The contact information for the place you are going. What should I fill?
                My mom just went to travel with other seniors. I don't have contacts there.
              • HI,晕了, Do you know which date the appointment available in next week? I will submit the application at the weekend. Also, Do you know what I should fill for contact in U.S.A? Thanks a lot!
                • 您还是要自己看和选啊。CONTACT 随便填就是了,选个旅馆然后上网GOOGLE地址和电话填进去就行了。
      • 请问purpose of trip怎么选,知道吗?
    • 父母移民身份,我帮他们填了DS-160,付签证费时脑子没转过来设了两个account分别付的费(两个receipts),现在约面试时没法把他们约到同一个面试了,只能约同一天同一时间段,他们可能要分别见两个不同的签证官。我打电话给有关机构,
      • 这个没问题,一起进去,然后那个先面试就一起去跟他解释。
        • 谢谢热心答复,就是担心这么一折腾,签证官一3烦,给他们拒了,所以上来问问有没有人经历过这种情况的。都打算为了让他们一起签再付一个人的费用了,闹心啊
          • 签证官对老年人比较NICE的,而且这种事很平常的。要不然你要怕的话,就进去领号的时候跟发号排队的说一声,把你父母中间多错几个人就是了。这样就碰不到一起去了。
    • 请教下,请问你这个问题怎么回答的?purpose of trip,我怎么也找不到合适答案