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This incapable governor has been keeping interest rate low for a very long time. The market is worried loonie drops to near six-year low; Canadians' debt levels are unsustainable.

Lower interest rate could push debt levels much higher to a very dangerous limit.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 石油党真狠,经济才打一喷嚏,立刻上点滴,比当年温相4万亿还狠还快。房价涨跌博奕难以预测,但是饮鸩止渴却是当然。正如其所说,继续用个人消费来对冲商业活动的衰退,大家借钱花吧!
    • 普京手下少智勇双全之007 ,应该 全球招聘一个 大侠 或KGB大牛人, 携若干核武器 到沙特,中东 产油国 引爆,定能扭转乾坤
    • 感谢大救星哈八, 立犸降息。没有最劣, 只有更劣; 没有最狠, 只有更狠。
      • The oil industry is a major source of income of the Gov. They are trying to ease the pain. Besides potentially higher house prices, what are other negative impacts of a lower interest rate?
        • There are many reasons why low interest rate is bad NOW. And cutting the rate just to balance his book to keep him in power is even worse. ..
          • But your link shows it was a correct action to lower the rate. Although it was unexpected.