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Toronto public health提供给面临孩子性教育需求的家庭的一些资源resources (参考书,非教科书:))

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Books for raising sexually healthy children

For children 0-8 years

Did the sun shines before you were born? S. And J. Gordon, Prometheus books

How you were born. Joanna Cole. Mulberry paperback books.

The bare naked book. Kathy Stinson, Annick Press

Are you a boy or a girl? Karleen Pendleton Jimenez. Green Dragon press

Mummy laid an egg. Nanette Cole. Jonathan Cape

Boys, Girls and body science. Meg hickling. Harbour publishing.

A very touching book for little people and for big people. Jan hindman Alexandra Associates

Come sit by me Margaret Merrifield. Women's press (about AIDS)

Jennifer has two daddies. Priscilla Galloway. Women's press

Ashamed's mums. R. Elwin & M. Paulse. Women's press

My body is private. Linda Walvoord Girard Albert Witman & Co.

For parents and professionals

From diapers to dating: a parent's guide to raising sexually healthy children Debra Haffner. Newmarket press

More speaking of SEX: Are you ready to answer the questions your kids will ask? Meg Hickling. Northstone publishing

Teach and Talk: the subject is sex. Wilson, Quackenbush & Kane. ETR Associates(for teacher but useful for other professionals and parents)

Raising a child responsibly in a sexually Permissive world. Sol and Judith Gordon. Adams media Corp

Sex and sensibility: the thinking parent's guide to talking sense about sex. Deborah Roffman. Perseus books publishing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / Toronto public health提供给面临孩子性教育需求的家庭的一些资源resources (参考书,非教科书:))
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