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chicken strip from celebcorp.com.


You can buy this product at WalMart ( a 3.3 lb bag—see attached Item # 992-011 UPC 606992000112 SKU # 31005992). Note that is also 32% more product .
Towards the end of Oct, we will be placing our U.S.A. made chicken strips in Costco (see attached). You can call them and ask for this Item # 402428/UPC 606992000303 as this ship date is approximate.
The exact same product is available at select Loblaw locations (Item # 00188 UPC 852909001882) or Canadian Tire (Item # 00151 UPC 852909001516) in 1 lb bags or at Target (Item # 00152 UPC 852909001523) in 2 lb bags
If you need more information, please let us know.

Larry Rotstein O-416-645-0202 F-416-645-0563 M-416-992-8999 larry@celebcorp.com www.celebcorp.com

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / chicken strip from celebcorp.com.


    You can buy this product at WalMart ( a 3.3 lb bag—see attached Item # 992-011 UPC 606992000112 SKU # 31005992). Note that is also 32% more product .
    Towards the end of Oct, we will be placing our U.S.A. made chicken strips in Costco (see attached). You can call them and ask for this Item # 402428/UPC 606992000303 as this ship date is approximate.
    The exact same product is available at select Loblaw locations (Item # 00188 UPC 852909001882) or Canadian Tire (Item # 00151 UPC 852909001516) in 1 lb bags or at Target (Item # 00152 UPC 852909001523) in 2 lb bags
    If you need more information, please let us know.

    Larry Rotstein O-416-645-0202 F-416-645-0563 M-416-992-8999 larry@celebcorp.com www.celebcorp.com
    • 我去walmart买几包,美国的只看上去不怎样。
      • 我也不知道有没有,只是去问了下,他们给我回的信。我家还剩一包。
        • 我家还有半包,加上上次purina的一包,我今天就去walmart看看。
          • 静候你的好消息。
            • 去walmart看了,23.97一包,我去的那个walmart还剩1包。
    • Good news! costco还有个其他牌子鸡肉干号称美国的1。13KG 要22刀,尼玛还不是纯肉的...