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莹莹, 你没事儿吧?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 【重要新闻】多伦多市选参选人JOHN TORY欠债不还,真相曝光。你还敢选这样的人做市长吗?想清楚了。看连接。
    • LOL Help David please #8977131@0)
      • 我们正在忙国家大事,市里的大事儿暂时没有时间关心大卫的事儿呢。LOL。
        • 看了这篇文章才知: 自己可以花钱去 Poll的真相. 不知道这次又花多少 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
          • Ask Doug and Ford. They shall be able to tell you.
          • "Documents obtained by the Toronto Sun show Pollara Inc. launched a civil lawsuit against Tory in January 2014, alleging it billed Tory $71,502 for services — including a mayoralty survey in July 2010 — but he only paid them $25,000."
          • Poll的不好还花钱不是冤大了? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    • 真相曝光当日还了,等了4年才还, 人人都学他这样, 不少生意都要结业了
      • 这个时候去医院看望望胖哥比什么都强。
      • PC都不敢 [ Embattled John Tory prepares to fight for his job ] " - - Everything from the delegate selection process to the set up of the meeting has been "undemocratic - - -''
        • 莹莹, 你没事儿吧?
      • 看这篇文章: [Tory leadership vote 'undemocratic': some members] -"The vote to determine the fate of John Tory will be "undemocratic'' and will deny - - -"
        • 莹莹, 你没事儿吧? -redneck(Cracker); 08:42 (#8978878@0)
      • 看这些文章以脱盲. 民主 ? ? ?
        • OML God bless you.
    • “飙升”