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不用搬家也可投他的票 a non-resident of the City of Toronto, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the City; and not prohibited from voting under any law

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Who Can Vote

You can vote in Toronto’s municipal election if you are:

* a Canadian citizen; and
* at least 18 years old; and
* a resident in the City of Toronto; or
* a non-resident of the City of Toronto, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the City; and
* not prohibited from voting under any law

You may only vote once in the City of Toronto municipal election regardless of how many properties you own or rent within the City. You must vote in the ward where you live.

An owner or tenant of non-residential property, or their spouse, is not eligible to vote for School Board Trustee.

Terms you may need help understanding

* As a resident elector
o Your residence is where you live. If you live in a municipality, then you are eligible to vote in that municipality's election. You are only allowed to have one residence.
* As a non-resident elector
o If you live in one municipality, and own or rent property in another municipality, you are eligible to vote in each municipality's election.
* As the spouse of a non-resident elector
o If your spouse qualifies as a non-resident elector in a municipality, then you can also vote in that municipality's election.

Students in Residence

There is a special rule for students who may be living away from home while they attend school. If you are a student and consider your "home" to be the place where you live when you are not attending school, which means you plan on returning there, then you are eligible to vote in both your "home" municipality and in the municipality where you currently live while attending school.

www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=d712c36902f5d310VgnVCM1000006cd60f89RCRD更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Rob Ford denies special treatment for firms linked to family business
    • “I help out anyone that calls me. If you think I give preferential treatment to someone, you prove it. You write that story, go ahead,”
    • “Are you accusing me of doing something? What’s wrong with helping people? Nothing wrong. I help out everybody,” he said. “And I’ve never taken one dime of taxpayers’ money.”
    • “I’ve never quit anything in my life. I’m not quitting this and we’re going to win this,” he said.
    • 去你的。世界上那个生意不需要关系和特别对待?这就叫NETWORK。不怪福特哥。你啥意思?不打算投票给福特哥了?
      • 俺为了Oct投他的票,俺已经“搬家”回toronto了!
        • 这下你没机会投Vaughan的票了
          • 多伦多更重要,SORRY。
            • 为啥?
              • 还用问?多伦多是加拿大的心脏。
                • 哇。福特哥身上的担子可真重啊。就靠他给全加拿大输血了
                  • 当然。LOL。
        • 你上周末去看福特哥跳SALSA了吗?
          • 还跳,不怕心脏病
            • You are so thoughtful.
          • 周末(July25)去福特哥的BBQ 吗?
        • 投机房产,什么投票
          • 投资房产,投票。都投。
            • 主要是投机,顺便投票
              • 简称,投票机
        • 不用搬家也可投他的票 a non-resident of the City of Toronto, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the City; and not prohibited from voting under any law
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Who Can Vote

          You can vote in Toronto’s municipal election if you are:

          * a Canadian citizen; and
          * at least 18 years old; and
          * a resident in the City of Toronto; or
          * a non-resident of the City of Toronto, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the City; and
          * not prohibited from voting under any law

          You may only vote once in the City of Toronto municipal election regardless of how many properties you own or rent within the City. You must vote in the ward where you live.

          An owner or tenant of non-residential property, or their spouse, is not eligible to vote for School Board Trustee.

          Terms you may need help understanding

          * As a resident elector
          o Your residence is where you live. If you live in a municipality, then you are eligible to vote in that municipality's election. You are only allowed to have one residence.
          * As a non-resident elector
          o If you live in one municipality, and own or rent property in another municipality, you are eligible to vote in each municipality's election.
          * As the spouse of a non-resident elector
          o If your spouse qualifies as a non-resident elector in a municipality, then you can also vote in that municipality's election.

          Students in Residence

          There is a special rule for students who may be living away from home while they attend school. If you are a student and consider your "home" to be the place where you live when you are not attending school, which means you plan on returning there, then you are eligible to vote in both your "home" municipality and in the municipality where you currently live while attending school.

          www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=d712c36902f5d310VgnVCM1000006cd60f89RCRD更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 非常感谢。
      • My foot !
    • “This guy is as honest as the days are long with taxpayers’ money,” he said about himself. 【翻译】:此公对纳税人之公帑不贪不渎,其诚天地日月可鉴。
      • 而且他从康复所回来后,即刻把俩月工资还给了市政厅,赞。他可以不还不退,但他主动退了。
        • 肯定是不好意思拿。看来价值观还是正确的
          • 拿是应该的,他的福利。别的议员就很好意思。
            • 谁拿了?还有谁用市政府发的钱去戒毒?
              • 喂,那是福利,他的PACKAGE里有,他是市议会同意的,带薪休假。他完全可以不退俩月工资,但他主动退。他的办公费是所有议员里最低的。
                • 市议会若是不同意他带薪休假,他就得带毒上班了。不过他的钱退了,说明还是一个好同学,属于可以挽救的
                  • 你就是打酱油的,是不是?看福特不顺眼?他还了钱,他康复了,我们为他开心。你不高兴,管我们P事。有CHOW,有TORY,你别盯着福特哥不放。你不选他,无所谓。