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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛损失主要是电站搬迁费用,还有在远地点建电站多出的电力运输和供气费用。

其中,在新址建电站增加的费用:6.09亿。 我觉得这个不能算是损失。因为在新地方建电站,增加电力输送和供气费用,是增加了发电成本,但是也促进偏远地区的经济发展,还有原址土地价值增加。这些都是对安省经济有利的,有得有失,从整体上来说,起码打平。



On Oct 8, 2013 the Auditor-General reported the cost to cancel the Oakville plant at $675 million. The Auditor-General noted that had the premier's office not become involved, the OPA may have been in a position to simply wait and then exercise an option to break the contract without penalty: "We believe that the settlement with TCE will not only keep TCE whole, but may make it better than whole," Lysyk said. [14] The report estimated the Premier's Office directive to make TCE "whole" increased the payout to TCE by $225 million over what was due under the terms of the contract.

A substantial portion of the net $675 million cost of cancelling the Oakville plant and replacing it with the Napanee plant relates to the decision to locate the replacement plant farther from the location of power consumption in the GTA and farther from natural gas supplies. The Auditor General calculated increased gas supply costs and additional line transmission losses totaling of $609 million (included in the $675 million total), which are wholly or partially off-set by a savings of $275 million through a lower negotiated price for the Napanee plant更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 技术贴:安省取消电站到底损失了多少?大家都说损失了十亿,说的人多,也就信了。但是仔细看了一下,发现不是那么回事。我算出来的净损失是0.66亿。对不对呢?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛损失主要是电站搬迁费用,还有在远地点建电站多出的电力运输和供气费用。

    其中,在新址建电站增加的费用:6.09亿。 我觉得这个不能算是损失。因为在新地方建电站,增加电力输送和供气费用,是增加了发电成本,但是也促进偏远地区的经济发展,还有原址土地价值增加。这些都是对安省经济有利的,有得有失,从整体上来说,起码打平。



    On Oct 8, 2013 the Auditor-General reported the cost to cancel the Oakville plant at $675 million. The Auditor-General noted that had the premier's office not become involved, the OPA may have been in a position to simply wait and then exercise an option to break the contract without penalty: "We believe that the settlement with TCE will not only keep TCE whole, but may make it better than whole," Lysyk said. [14] The report estimated the Premier's Office directive to make TCE "whole" increased the payout to TCE by $225 million over what was due under the terms of the contract.

    A substantial portion of the net $675 million cost of cancelling the Oakville plant and replacing it with the Napanee plant relates to the decision to locate the replacement plant farther from the location of power consumption in the GTA and farther from natural gas supplies. The Auditor General calculated increased gas supply costs and additional line transmission losses totaling of $609 million (included in the $675 million total), which are wholly or partially off-set by a savings of $275 million through a lower negotiated price for the Napanee plant更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 科学家算出来的,一定是对的了
      • LOL。所谓魔鬼在细节中。我这个人喜欢追根究底。当然可能是追错了,但是抛砖引玉,可以解惑。
    • 看看11亿是怎么来的,与技术无关。
      • 引文谁都会,要有自己的分析。
        • 你看完了吗? "$675-million for the Oakville plant and $275-million for the Mississauga plant",会看英文吗?你都分析出啥了?纯属断章取意,无理取闹,还
          "促进偏远地区的经济发展,还有原址土地价值增加。这些都是对安省经济有利的,有得有失,从整体上来说,起码打平", 净胡咧咧。