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其实就是政府的,看解释。"Ultimately, the Bank is owned by the Minister of Finance on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada."

The Bank of Canada (French: Banque du Canada) is Canada's central bank.[1] The bank was founded by the Bank of Canada Act[2] on July 3, 1934, as a privately owned corporation. In 1938, the bank became a Crown corporation, belonging to the monarch in right of Canada.[3] The Minister of Finance holds the entire share capital issued by the bank. "Ultimately, the Bank is owned by the Minister of Finance on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 探长,经济增长缓慢,房事继续高朝。Canada growth slows at start of 2014 as businesses wary
    • 谢谢您提供的资讯。
    • 跟帖担忧一下。各大银行竞相降低利率,利率达到历史新低。但经济学家说,中长期的涨息是一定的。银行是不是想瓮中捉鳖?
      • 银行不定利息,定利息的是 bond market
        • 有人说是政府定的
          • It is in fact. A country's central bank sets a country's monetary policy . Typically a central bank controls certain types of short-term interest rates. These influence the stock- and bond markets as well as mortgage and other interest rates
            • 很有远光。
              • 红脖子?因为他看不到福特哥的潜质,我一直认为他没有远光。他说这个,也不过是转述,你以为是他的个人发明?
            • 还以为一个国家的M2决定了通胀度和利息
            • Bank of Canada是一家公司,并非政府。其主要任务就是保证通胀在2%左右。因此,只要通胀低,利率就会保持低。如果通胀高,就要升息。而美联储是一家私人股份制公司,任务包括控制通胀和保持就业。
              • 其实就是政府的,看解释。"Ultimately, the Bank is owned by the Minister of Finance on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada."
                The Bank of Canada (French: Banque du Canada) is Canada's central bank.[1] The bank was founded by the Bank of Canada Act[2] on July 3, 1934, as a privately owned corporation. In 1938, the bank became a Crown corporation, belonging to the monarch in right of Canada.[3] The Minister of Finance holds the entire share capital issued by the bank. "Ultimately, the Bank is owned by the Minister of Finance on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada."
                • Crown corporation不是政府government.
            • not fact。你可以说政府能用各种手段施加影响(包括隔空喊话,找银行开会等等),但不能说就是政府定的 :) 最终银行还是看着预期成本和市场竞争程度定的利息。
        • 回炉吧。
        • 银行定的是利息,BOND MARKET只是利息成本,成本并不是决定利息唯一原因,还有银行的风险评估和收支平衡表
      • foreclosures are on the way.
        • 现在最好把钱多存几个不同的银行,万一有一家倒闭了,还能继续取钱用
    • 据说美国纽约市附近(Milton 到多伦多的位置)差不多一个小时的通勤火车到downtown 曼哈顿。2007年70多万的一块地,现卖40多万。 而且每年还要付一万多地税。。。