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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Please don't worry about the future of IT industry

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(Interestingly enough, I saw a "jabber Jr." are educating people in my name at this forum. Just for reference, I write up my recent thoughts about the future of IT industry and share them with friends).

Just mind our business. IT industry cannot bring easy money to us any more. But the whole industry has not yet been trashed. Those who survive the lay-off are stilling making money to support their family. I strongly believe I will lose my ppresent job next year, because I know our company's business model cannot survive. But I am not afraid of losing my job, because I am always ready to hunt for a new job. Once I am thrown into the job market, I may be there for 2 weerks, or 2 months, but I don't think I will be jobless for 2 years. Think this way, I feel very comfortable and confident. The reality is that even though a lot of companies are cutting the jobs, some other companies are still hiring the people.

All of us miss the easy IT salary a few years ago. But that has become a history. In 20 years, if we tell the story to the next generation, they may think it of as traveller's jokes. I am trying to forget those days. Let's come back to reality. The salary in the IT industry is still relatively. If we think we can compete, take it easy, be happy with your salary, and be ready to change emplyeers frequently. If our nerves are not strong, and if our hearts are not strong, just look around and see if we can find some other jobs.

Indeed, the future of IT industry is irrelevant, at least to me. Where our company can survive is not important to me, either, because I cannot steer the direction of an enterprise. The most important thing is that I know how to comply with job requirements of programmers. I may lose jobs and stay at home for a couple of months, so what? Even a programmer works for only 6 months every year, he still has an easier life than the restaurant worker. So, we should not alway think about the easy money we are used to, and we should try to overcome our greediness.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Please don't worry about the future of IT industry
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(Interestingly enough, I saw a "jabber Jr." are educating people in my name at this forum. Just for reference, I write up my recent thoughts about the future of IT industry and share them with friends).

    Just mind our business. IT industry cannot bring easy money to us any more. But the whole industry has not yet been trashed. Those who survive the lay-off are stilling making money to support their family. I strongly believe I will lose my ppresent job next year, because I know our company's business model cannot survive. But I am not afraid of losing my job, because I am always ready to hunt for a new job. Once I am thrown into the job market, I may be there for 2 weerks, or 2 months, but I don't think I will be jobless for 2 years. Think this way, I feel very comfortable and confident. The reality is that even though a lot of companies are cutting the jobs, some other companies are still hiring the people.

    All of us miss the easy IT salary a few years ago. But that has become a history. In 20 years, if we tell the story to the next generation, they may think it of as traveller's jokes. I am trying to forget those days. Let's come back to reality. The salary in the IT industry is still relatively. If we think we can compete, take it easy, be happy with your salary, and be ready to change emplyeers frequently. If our nerves are not strong, and if our hearts are not strong, just look around and see if we can find some other jobs.

    Indeed, the future of IT industry is irrelevant, at least to me. Where our company can survive is not important to me, either, because I cannot steer the direction of an enterprise. The most important thing is that I know how to comply with job requirements of programmers. I may lose jobs and stay at home for a couple of months, so what? Even a programmer works for only 6 months every year, he still has an easier life than the restaurant worker. So, we should not alway think about the easy money we are used to, and we should try to overcome our greediness.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • just curious, why not right now?
      • Sorry, I don't catch up with you. What is your question?
    • Cheer up ... u r right, everyone should be ready to look for another good future opportunity at any time.
    • Excellent! 我注意到你使用"we"和"us"描述IT从业者。不过说实话,我对于我们这个行业里经常充斥着的狂妄自大和相互辱骂感到羞愧。
    • good one!
    • Jabber, very good points. Indeed, I don't worry about the future of IT industry at all, on the other hand, I am kid of concerning the age. :-(