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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.The Conservative government and special interest groups claim incessantly that cutting corporate income taxes is good for the economy and for individual Canadians. We have been led to believe that tax giveaways to corporations would lead companies to reinvest in research and development as well as machinery and staff training to boost productivity. This is supposed to stimulate economic growth and create better paying and more secure jobs. But that is not what has happened in Canada during the past decade.

减corporations income taxes,目的是加强经济活力,刺激经济。加拿大的经济状况好转了吗?

2.The jobs that have been recovered are disproportionately part-time and precarious. Part-time jobs grew at twice the rate of full-time jobs, and account for 40 per cent of the job growth between 2008 and 2013. Part-time positions make up 19 per cent of all jobs. All of the growth in part-time jobs was involuntary, where job seekers are looking for full-time work but can only find part-time hours. Over 20 per cent of all jobs are low wage, and the minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation in most provinces.

统计数据上的就业率,增加的工作大部份是part-time, minimum wage的工作,crapy job positions。

3.s Canada’s middle class hurting? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says it is. So does New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair.
The federal Conservative government calls their claims nonsense. This week, Employment Minister Jason Kenney accused Trudeau of “making things up”.

保守党政府说没有伤害到中产或中下产阶级?这是睁着眼说大话。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 基于下面三点,坚决不投保守党的票。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.The Conservative government and special interest groups claim incessantly that cutting corporate income taxes is good for the economy and for individual Canadians. We have been led to believe that tax giveaways to corporations would lead companies to reinvest in research and development as well as machinery and staff training to boost productivity. This is supposed to stimulate economic growth and create better paying and more secure jobs. But that is not what has happened in Canada during the past decade.

    减corporations income taxes,目的是加强经济活力,刺激经济。加拿大的经济状况好转了吗?

    2.The jobs that have been recovered are disproportionately part-time and precarious. Part-time jobs grew at twice the rate of full-time jobs, and account for 40 per cent of the job growth between 2008 and 2013. Part-time positions make up 19 per cent of all jobs. All of the growth in part-time jobs was involuntary, where job seekers are looking for full-time work but can only find part-time hours. Over 20 per cent of all jobs are low wage, and the minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation in most provinces.

    统计数据上的就业率,增加的工作大部份是part-time, minimum wage的工作,crapy job positions。

    3.s Canada’s middle class hurting? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says it is. So does New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair.
    The federal Conservative government calls their claims nonsense. This week, Employment Minister Jason Kenney accused Trudeau of “making things up”.

    保守党政府说没有伤害到中产或中下产阶级?这是睁着眼说大话。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我支持你!
      • 握手!
    • 1、坚决支持耳朵,谁让咱是知老师的粉,知老师又是耳朵的粉呢。 2、你看啦啦也走了,老说这些是不是有些审美疲劳呢
      • 话说到这,知老师不会也走了吧,谈天双豪,怎么都说走就走了呢?
    • 你看看mcguinty都做了些什么事就知道不能投票给Liberals.