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What Ford said is not true at all !! He said:“Is the city better off than it was four years ago? Do you have more money in your pocket than you did four years ago?” “90% of the people say yes, this is a better city.”

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto is no longer the city that works.

As went our street, so goes Toronto. It's becoming a city of extremes. The middle class is disappearing, and the affluent and the poor are increasingly segregated by neighbourhood.

In Toronto, the child poverty rate is as high as 32 per cent.

Meantime, as real-estate prices soar, middle-income folks move out. From Toronto, they move to Ajax, Barrie, Guelph and anyplace where they can buy a house for less than $466,000 (the current Toronto average). Jobs have migrated, too. In Southern Ontario, the greatest job growth is outside Greater Toronto.

the real challenge is how to grow, promote and sustain the middle class. "Cities have been so dominated by promoting hip coolness that they haven't focused on creating good new blue-collar jobs."

Toronto's struggle to restore the middle ground will be long and hard. It will be the greatest challenge the city's leaders face in the coming generation.

亲眼目睹了toronto的变化,上面的这些说法完全是toronto 的真实写照。

Toronto is getting worse and worse.

Right-wing policies or Left-wing policies are to blame.?

I do not know.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / What Ford said is not true at all !! He said:“Is the city better off than it was four years ago? Do you have more money in your pocket than you did four years ago?” “90% of the people say yes, this is a better city.”
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto is no longer the city that works.

    As went our street, so goes Toronto. It's becoming a city of extremes. The middle class is disappearing, and the affluent and the poor are increasingly segregated by neighbourhood.

    In Toronto, the child poverty rate is as high as 32 per cent.

    Meantime, as real-estate prices soar, middle-income folks move out. From Toronto, they move to Ajax, Barrie, Guelph and anyplace where they can buy a house for less than $466,000 (the current Toronto average). Jobs have migrated, too. In Southern Ontario, the greatest job growth is outside Greater Toronto.

    the real challenge is how to grow, promote and sustain the middle class. "Cities have been so dominated by promoting hip coolness that they haven't focused on creating good new blue-collar jobs."

    Toronto's struggle to restore the middle ground will be long and hard. It will be the greatest challenge the city's leaders face in the coming generation.

    亲眼目睹了toronto的变化,上面的这些说法完全是toronto 的真实写照。

    Toronto is getting worse and worse.

    Right-wing policies or Left-wing policies are to blame.?

    I do not know.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这个不是新闻了哈。前儿TORONTO STAR就发表了类似的文字,还有福特哥和他的预算官员的大幅照片。我们知道福特哥没有说出准确的节约的数字。但有一点可以肯定,那就是:福特哥确实是省了钱,而且省的不是仨瓜俩枣。
      • Where and how? Show me the money. Cosmetic surgery on the book nothing more than that.
        • 请找TORONTO STAR来读,有福特哥的大幅照片,他和预算官一起照的。人家预算官没说福特没节省,只是他夸大了钱数。
          • That faking, lying dear.
            • 如果,你能找出CHOW有过节约市府和教育局钱的例子,我就选她。CHOW有吗?
              • A liar and drug addict makes no case for me.
            • 拜托,您老英语也不是那么强,在中文论坛有必要光说英文吗?中文已经不能更明白的表达您的意思了吗?不是要做中国人民北美先遣队吗,还不多用点中文,要不中文都丢了,还怎么在北美建立华人根据地?
              • 包子,言论自由,言论自由。用何种语言发表见解,也是自由的哈。
                • 下次我用阿拉伯语发帖
                  • 我用日语:))要洗。
                    • LOL.
                  • 太敬佩了,居然会说阿拉伯语。你肯定有钱。肯定是从沙特过来的。我以后对你好点儿。
                    • 有google帮忙,啥都会说。我还经常法语同PQ的同事切磋呢
                      • 好吧,不打算对你好点儿了。因为你不是沙特来的。哈哈。
                    • WOW,怎么就不会是塔利班? :))
                      • 出冷汗了。哈哈。
                    • 对他好,他也不一定给你钱
                      • lol
                      • 对她来说,给糖就够了
                        • 买糖用不了多少钱呀,我不是从沙特来的,我就能给她买糖
    • 这个时刻,如果你能举出CHOW帮助省了钱,并且铁证如山,比你只公布这些数据有用。是呀,福特是夸大了数字。那CHOW呢?她到底有没有过节约的RECORD?她在多伦多教委和多伦多市议会供职那么多年,她到底为我们节约过一分钱没有?请你帮我们开开眼。谢谢。
      • 她有权省钱吗?
        • 你这说的啥话呀。啥是教育局委员,啥是市议员?就是讨论教育局和市府的花销,如何花钱的主。她当然可以省钱,只要在表决预算投票时,她拿出自己良心,有真为纳税人省钱的心,就会为教育局和市府省钱。

          • 不知道她的经历。我弃权,无政府圈外党。
            • 那我告诉你吧。她没有过省钱的记录。安啦。