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I thought so too. But the official website says the person who holds this type of visa can stay up to 6months per each entry

Then you need to renew. Immigration explained to me there are 2 things involved, 1 is entry visa, the other is visa to stay which has max of 6months(the super visa for parents and grandparents allow to stay up to 2years).
My friend's case she came here in September, so she need to apply in March before it reaches 6months max. Assume her request for extension gets granted, she will then have a staying visa till September, but she plans to fly back to China in July.
So my question is in this case, does she need to re-apply?

I don't see the point of 10year multi-entry visa besides the fact it charges more.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / My friend from China holds 10 year multiple entry visa, my understanding is she still need to renew visa every 6 months, and there's still chance her request for visa extension will be rejected.
    does someone know what's the point for the 10year multi-entry compare to single entry? If she goes back to China, her visa is still valid, does she still need to apply another entry visa with the 10yr multi-entry visa?
    Sorry can't type Chinese. :(
    • multiple entry 不就是离开可以再入境吗,签证没过期干嘛还要renew?
      • I thought so too. But the official website says the person who holds this type of visa can stay up to 6months per each entry
        Then you need to renew. Immigration explained to me there are 2 things involved, 1 is entry visa, the other is visa to stay which has max of 6months(the super visa for parents and grandparents allow to stay up to 2years).
        My friend's case she came here in September, so she need to apply in March before it reaches 6months max. Assume her request for extension gets granted, she will then have a staying visa till September, but she plans to fly back to China in July.
        So my question is in this case, does she need to re-apply?

        I don't see the point of 10year multi-entry visa besides the fact it charges more.
        • 对啊,以前父母来探亲,入境的时候也一般都是给半年,然后再申请延长,就再给半年。这个延长很少听说被拒的。
        • 这是两个概念哈。。持有多次往返签证时下次入境时不用再签证了。。但是如果你朋友在加拿大, 呆超过六个月以上, 一定是要办续签的。 她入境的时候有个章, 上面有最后的到期日期。续签的签证可以办一年的。。
          • The time stamp she got when entered to Canada is un-readable...And there's no where to check.
            I think what you said make sense, so that means: 1. she need to extend her visa before 6month expiry date; 2. When she returns to China in June, she does not need to apply visa because it's still within 10years timeframe.
            • 嗯!对头。。要是看不清就自己祘,一般是半年。。从入境那天算起。。续鉴可以办一年的
              • 如果想给父母延期一年是不是得有特别的理由啊?单纯选择tourism是不是不合理?
    • 10年多次入境一般是给加拿大永久居民的,估计你那朋友是至少曾经是.10年多次入境,不需要再签,但每次入境最多呆6个月.
      • 不是啊,我父母探亲就是给的10年,他们不是移民,我闺密来过1次出差,第二年再申请就直接给了10年
      • No, this is her 2nd time to Canada, both as visitor
      • 我还没有身份,只是有工签的时候就帮父母申请了十年多次往返签证,这不是super visa不是有身份的人才能申请的。。。