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Canada jobs drop steepest in half year, house starts plunge

.........Canada jobs drop steepest in half year, house starts plunge ..By Noel Hulsman | Balance Sheet – 7 minutes ago ....Email0 Print.....Canada's economy shed 22,000 jobs in January, worse than the small gain the market had been expecting and the biggest decline in half a year. In what has been characterized as a "reversal of fortune," the losses were concentrated in full time positions and shared between both the private and public sector. On an industry basis, only six of 16 industries reported higher payrolls. The country’s jobless rate ticked down to 7 per cent in January from 7.1 per cent as fewer people looked for work, Statistics Canada said on Friday. The main source of weakness was from finance, utilities, manufacturing and educational services. Economists had expected 5,000 new jobs and the jobless rate to edge higher to 7.2 per cent. Given Friday's data, the question is does the data spark a new trend in the labor market? "You need to put it into the context of what job growth we've seen over the last couple of months," said David Tulk, chief Canada macro strategist at TD Securities. "We view this weakness as payback following a period of surprising strength and not the beginning of a new trend," he said. He said with economic growth expected to remain soft through the first half of 2013, a modest pace of employment is expected in keeping with softer hiring intention surveys. Charles St-Arnaud, economist and currency strategist at Nomura Securities in New York, said January's losses were the steepest since July. But while the report is largely negative, it follows the previous five months when the Canadian economy created more than 180,000 jobs. "We believe that weakness in the labour market should continue, but do not expect big job losses, but rather a stagnant labour market," said St-Arnaud. Big drop in house starts Canadian housing starts plummeted in January, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said on Friday, far weaker than market expectations of 195,000 starts. The seasonally adjusted annualized rate of housing starts dropped nearly 19 per cent to 160,577 units in January, down from 197,118 in December. The weakness was in both single and multiple starts, with noticeable weakness in Ontario. "After hitting a recent peak of 228,300 annualized units last August, new home construction established a decidedly downward trend in the last five months of 2012 and today’s report indicates that this has carried into 2013," economists at Royal Bank of Canada said. However, the trend rate provided by CMHC shows a more gradual cooling. The data underscores the country's once-hot housing market is slowing down following measures by the federal government to tighten mortgage-lending rules. In recent weeks, a number of reports have highlighted Canada's housing market. Even while it has showed signs of cooling, it remains overheated, according to The Economist. Overvaluation in Canada comes in at an eye-popping 78 per cent, by the magazine's price-to-rents ratio, topping Hong Kong's rate, it said in an analysis of the global housing market in January. That compares to Japan's undervalued market at 37 per cent. The price-to-rents measure is analogous to the price-earnings ratio used for equities, with the rents going to property investors -- or saved by homeowners -- equivalent to corporate profits, the Economist says. ....Pagination.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Canada jobs drop steepest in half year, house starts plunge
    .........Canada jobs drop steepest in half year, house starts plunge ..By Noel Hulsman | Balance Sheet – 7 minutes ago ....Email0 Print.....Canada's economy shed 22,000 jobs in January, worse than the small gain the market had been expecting and the biggest decline in half a year. In what has been characterized as a "reversal of fortune," the losses were concentrated in full time positions and shared between both the private and public sector. On an industry basis, only six of 16 industries reported higher payrolls. The country’s jobless rate ticked down to 7 per cent in January from 7.1 per cent as fewer people looked for work, Statistics Canada said on Friday. The main source of weakness was from finance, utilities, manufacturing and educational services. Economists had expected 5,000 new jobs and the jobless rate to edge higher to 7.2 per cent. Given Friday's data, the question is does the data spark a new trend in the labor market? "You need to put it into the context of what job growth we've seen over the last couple of months," said David Tulk, chief Canada macro strategist at TD Securities. "We view this weakness as payback following a period of surprising strength and not the beginning of a new trend," he said. He said with economic growth expected to remain soft through the first half of 2013, a modest pace of employment is expected in keeping with softer hiring intention surveys. Charles St-Arnaud, economist and currency strategist at Nomura Securities in New York, said January's losses were the steepest since July. But while the report is largely negative, it follows the previous five months when the Canadian economy created more than 180,000 jobs. "We believe that weakness in the labour market should continue, but do not expect big job losses, but rather a stagnant labour market," said St-Arnaud. Big drop in house starts Canadian housing starts plummeted in January, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said on Friday, far weaker than market expectations of 195,000 starts. The seasonally adjusted annualized rate of housing starts dropped nearly 19 per cent to 160,577 units in January, down from 197,118 in December. The weakness was in both single and multiple starts, with noticeable weakness in Ontario. "After hitting a recent peak of 228,300 annualized units last August, new home construction established a decidedly downward trend in the last five months of 2012 and today’s report indicates that this has carried into 2013," economists at Royal Bank of Canada said. However, the trend rate provided by CMHC shows a more gradual cooling. The data underscores the country's once-hot housing market is slowing down following measures by the federal government to tighten mortgage-lending rules. In recent weeks, a number of reports have highlighted Canada's housing market. Even while it has showed signs of cooling, it remains overheated, according to The Economist. Overvaluation in Canada comes in at an eye-popping 78 per cent, by the magazine's price-to-rents ratio, topping Hong Kong's rate, it said in an analysis of the global housing market in January. That compares to Japan's undervalued market at 37 per cent. The price-to-rents measure is analogous to the price-earnings ratio used for equities, with the rents going to property investors -- or saved by homeowners -- equivalent to corporate profits, the Economist says. ....Pagination.
    • 好像是安省一下少了3万份全职工作,房屋开发商不看好后市了。这些开发商真是愚昧啊, 现在分租,炒房就可以了,谁还希罕什么全职工作呀?不失业哪有时间买您的房啊。再说了,您还卖房干什么?盖好了全改分租,您就发大发了,直接退休不用愁了。
      • 我认识个人,不到10年前在downtown买了一个townhouse,说是三层+地下室,20万左右,自住+分租,当时每个月能有2000出租收入,不出两年又买了一个house搬出去,townhouse全部出租,每月4000,还说租客十分稳定.前两年把Townhouse80多万卖了,还有其他用来出租的房产,管不过来了.
        • 发大发了,直接退休不用愁了
        • 上个10年靠炒房发财的不在少数,我一个朋友,手上几套投资房全在08年出清,当时房价下跌,不然获利更为可观。这个10年,估计再没有这样的机会了。