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“If you are not this dog’s 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous.”

Huskies are very intelligent and trainable, but they will only obey a command if they see the human is stronger minded than themselves. If the handler does not display leadership, they will not see the point in obeying. Training takes patience, consistency and an understanding of the Arctic dog character. If you are not this dog’s 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Huskies may be difficult to housebreak. This breed likes to howl and gets bored easily. Does not do well if left alone for a long period of time without a great deal of exercise beforehand. A lonely Husky, or a Husky that does not get enough mental and physical exercise can be very destructive

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 养金毛的别砸我:就是想问一下你们为什么选金毛?我怎么都觉得边牧更好,可养金毛多,边牧少。
    • 养金毛的大多是因为它性格温顺吧
    • 金毛温顺,边牧聪明。没有好不好,只有合适不合适,有没有缘分。我家的是 mix,但对我来说,是金不换。
    • 边牧太聪明,Toronto边上有个小town,每年都有牧羊比赛,清一色的边牧,很过瘾.
    • 等我中了649, 德牧,边牧,秋田犬,柴犬,比利时马犬,金毛,拉布,....................................................................................................等等等等,我一样养一只,rescue狗狗优先。
      • 就不养我们家的狗,哈?
        • 统统都包括!列不下了!
      • 等我中了649,我就回中国开一个狗狗救助站,哈哈,我的狗狗比你多吧。
        • 必须的!安得小屋千万间,大庇天下流浪犬俱欢颜!我通过国内朋友牵线,为起草"反虐待动物法"的研究所做义务工作已经4年了。
          • 敬礼!中国太需要这个了。在我看来,很多人已经丧失了人性,只能用法律来约束。
    • 尽管很聪明,但也有危险,特别对孩子。边牧同其他牧羊犬一样,有控制别的动物的本性。有时甚之会控制孩子
      • 控制孩子?这个有意思。比如说,怎么控制呢?
        • 就象牧羊一样。会咬孩子。甚之有咬死孩子的事件发生。
          • 真的?边牧的控制欲是不是一种 Leadership 的表现? 我附近有对西人夫妇,妻子怀孕的时候就开始养一只边牧,现在推着婴儿车遛狗。狗狗很聪明很乖的样子。
            • 看电视上说牧羊是一种MODIFIED AGGRESSION.我到是不在乎狗狗多聪明,虽然金毛排名也靠前.
      • 我觉得我家边牧就有把我女儿当羊管的倾向,只要我女儿一跑,他就追到前面咬裤腿,废了好几条裤子了。不过前几天发生的一件事让我有点感动
        • 这点不假。
          • 我也听到过咬伤外人的事。
        • 我家的边牧从来不咬。
    • 我一直对金毛和LAB比较中意,他们更容易跟小孩和别的动物相处.机缘合适领养了金毛.乖的时候就象个羊羔,随便蹂躏,比家里的猫猫更粘人贴心
    • 我研究过,边牧在狗中智力第一。但是,边牧 is not good for the family with small kids, not good for the first time dog owner, not good for a couch potato.
      • 不明白为什么不适合第一次养狗的,我家就是第一次养狗,没觉得搞不定呀,边牧像个野小子,身体健康不生病。
        • 其实,你自己喜欢就好。
          • 是真的想知道原因。
            • Border Collies require considerable daily physical exercise and mental stimulation. If an individual is unable to provide his or her dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, the border collie is not the dog to choose.
            • Border collie is too smart,it tends to get bored fairly easily.
              • 谢谢
            • 这就跟娶老婆。如果娶个智商情商远远高于自己的,日子不会太好过。养狗也一样,门当户对是硬道理。
      • 是不是在说husky? 报道过几起咬死咬伤小孩的事。此类狗是很聪明,但是需要traveling,running,如果运动量不够的话,会伤人。
        • 是在说BORDER COLLIE.
          • 我中英文对不起来:-)我家邻居养了两只Border collie,和我们家的狗一个德性,high energy,它们玩得很好。我邻居带它们去林子里的时候,也经常把我家的带上,她有我家的钥匙。
      • “If you are not this dog’s 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous.”
        Huskies are very intelligent and trainable, but they will only obey a command if they see the human is stronger minded than themselves. If the handler does not display leadership, they will not see the point in obeying. Training takes patience, consistency and an understanding of the Arctic dog character. If you are not this dog’s 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Huskies may be difficult to housebreak. This breed likes to howl and gets bored easily. Does not do well if left alone for a long period of time without a great deal of exercise beforehand. A lonely Husky, or a Husky that does not get enough mental and physical exercise can be very destructive
      • 有句话说是"没有训练不好的狗,只有不合格的主人"。因材施教,都能成为出色的狗狗。
        • 养狗第一关,就是要跟狗较量谁是老大,谁是LEADER。如果LZ的能量高于平均水平,养BORDER COLLIE,应该不是问题。但是,根据统计,养GOLDEN 的家远远大于BORDER COLLIE。这就说明,平常人对付GOLDEN 更得心应手些。狗和人,也要讲MATCH. 没有什么单方面的合格不合格。
          • 门当户对就是合适不合适意思啦.我自我评估觉得能带得好绝大多数品种的狗。
          • 合适品种的挑进门后,依然需要相适宜的养育方法。就象再般配的婚姻,也需要尽心经营。
    • 乍一看我还以为又是政治话题呢:为啥朝鲜选金,中国选毛
      • 谁说中国人想象力不丰富来着!
        • 我还对这种把中国人排在后面的做法表示了一定的愤慨
          • 说起来你可能更愤慨-这狗原本只叫金,毛是国人加的。LOL
      • en, 萝卜白菜的问题