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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 龙。。。。请进。。。。
    • 今天滴歌俺帮你贴吧。。。。这歌有无数版本。。。。这是原装。。。。警告:只听。。。。勿看。。。。
    • that's ok, maybe it is not something I should know, I guess~~
    • 你做啥了,敢欺负龙龙,胆子不小,姐妹们,上
      • 昨晚。。。。嗐。。。。别提了。。。。
        • 你学杨坤呢,还31个VIDEO :)~~~
          • 31郎?
            • 没见过...和拼命三郎啥关系?~~~:)
              • 多个一字。。
              • 知道十一郎。。。。
                • 32郎你不知道?
          • I know~~~so I decided, stop asking for answer
            • support you ~~~ :)
              • hug~~hug~~
                • 我也要hug,这天太冷
                  • hug~~~hug~~~
                  • 越hug越冷。。。。
                    • 嫉妒吧
        • 知道道歉就好,饶你了这次
      • hahaha~~~thanks Jessica, he 忽悠 me~~and give me 31 videos to watch for answer of one simple question
        • 你上当了?鄙视一下你
          • co-鄙视 myself~~~
            • 嘿嘿,你好奇心好重啊,笑的我嘴合不拢啦,不厚道啊我,哈哈哈哈哈
              • do you know the answer? PM me?
                • 老实说我都不知道你问啥,可是我一看题目就知道你绝对上当,告诉我题目先,谢谢
                  • 哈哈。。。。
                  • 大忽悠 once said to look a woman, first thing he'd guess is the size of that woman's shoe, and I ask why~~
        • 嗐。。。。误会未解。。。。俺让你看滴是你自己贴滴那个5分钟滴视频。。。。31个是对误会滴补偿。。。。
          • 瞧你,这点事都搞不明白,自己郁闷吧
          • come on~~I watch that video for so many times, if I could get the answer, why would I ask~~~sigh~~~I give up~~~