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There's a zombie on your lawn...:D

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There's a zombie on your lawn
We don't want zombies on the lawn.
I know your type: tall, dark, and dead
You want to bite all the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here (Homeowner: Nooooo!)
I'm just a sunflower but see me power an entire infantry
You like the taste of brains, we don't like zombies
Football Zombie: I used to play football (Sunflower: footbaaall)
Conehead Zombie: Road cones protect my head (Sunflower: cone on his head)
Screen Door Zombie: I have a screen door shield (Sunflower: door shieeeld)
All zombies: We are the undead!
Repeat Chorus, in Night and Fog stages
There's a zombie on your law-awn
There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
There's a zombie on your law-awn
We don't want zombies on the lawn...
Sunflower: Maybe it's time to reevaluate
I know you have a lot of food on your plate
Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
You're dead so it doesn't matter,
Instead we'll use this solar power to make a lawn defense at any hour.
Digger Zombie: I like your tricycle (Sunflower: tricycle )
Buttered Zombie: There's butter on my head (Sunflower: on his head)
Dolphin: (Dolphin sound) I'm gonna eat your brains (Sunflower: no no no no)
All zombies: We are the undead! (Dolphin:We are SO the undead!)
Repeat chorus, in Roof and Day stages (Editing roof and Day)
There's a zombie on your law-awn
There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
There's a zombie on your law-awn
We don't want zombies on the lawn...
End更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 【有香中秋社】-- 等你的心情...:D




    • 奋不顾身的那个动作-----------是什么动作?
      • 一个手势先...:D
        • 一个手势?GIVE ME FIVE?
          • iPad上手指一划...:D
    • hahaha~~~this is cool~~~I like it, next time write something about plant vs. zombies
      • There's a zombie on your lawn...:D
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There's a zombie on your lawn
        We don't want zombies on the lawn.
        I know your type: tall, dark, and dead
        You want to bite all the petals off of my head
        And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here (Homeowner: Nooooo!)
        I'm just a sunflower but see me power an entire infantry
        You like the taste of brains, we don't like zombies
        Football Zombie: I used to play football (Sunflower: footbaaall)
        Conehead Zombie: Road cones protect my head (Sunflower: cone on his head)
        Screen Door Zombie: I have a screen door shield (Sunflower: door shieeeld)
        All zombies: We are the undead!
        Repeat Chorus, in Night and Fog stages
        There's a zombie on your law-awn
        There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
        There's a zombie on your law-awn
        We don't want zombies on the lawn...
        Sunflower: Maybe it's time to reevaluate
        I know you have a lot of food on your plate
        Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
        You're dead so it doesn't matter,
        Instead we'll use this solar power to make a lawn defense at any hour.
        Digger Zombie: I like your tricycle (Sunflower: tricycle )
        Buttered Zombie: There's butter on my head (Sunflower: on his head)
        Dolphin: (Dolphin sound) I'm gonna eat your brains (Sunflower: no no no no)
        All zombies: We are the undead! (Dolphin:We are SO the undead!)
        Repeat chorus, in Roof and Day stages (Editing roof and Day)
        There's a zombie on your law-awn
        There's a zombie on your lawnnn...
        There's a zombie on your law-awn
        We don't want zombies on the lawn...
        End更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 以你的才情,应该写出更好的才对~
      • 俺脸憋的通红才写出来的...谢谢你这么赏识俺...:D
        • 小脸红扑扑,双眼水汪汪……
          • 形容的真好...看你才有才情呢...:D
            • 谢谢!
              • 咋这么客气..:D
    • 多谢黑豆子捧场~~~真不错啊,能问问你觉得最奋不顾身的动作身什么动作么~~~:)
      • 喊一声...你是我的了...然后过去用力插一
        • 很英勇,鼓励你去实现~~~:)
        • 差点就在你屁股上来一铁锹。。。
    • hahaha....豆子越来越幽默了...奋不顾身的是小鸟? :)
      • 说他自己奋不顾身吧。。。。估计目标。。。不详。。。
        • 你给俺找个目标吧...:D
        • 目标不是那个猪圈吗? :)
          • 嗯...里面有沙发...板凳...砖头...水桶...:D
      • 嗯...可能是愤怒或痴情的小鸟...:D
        • 痴情的小鸟什么样的?:)
          • 那得问她...:D
    • So funny, 嗯,那首诗很棒
      • 小声问问。。。。黑豆这个算现代诗。。。。?
        • 嗯,我认为算是吧,因为没有押韵一类的^_^
        • 俺不懂诗...看着象吗...:D
    • 酷,愤怒的小鸟~~~
      • 痴情的小小鸟什么样的?:) -jesse_dd(紫飞鱼);
        • 呵呵, 就傻冒一枚~~~ :D
          • 性情中人...:D
    • 看的,,,送你块冰皮月饼,心苦了,甜一下。
      • 谢...冰皮是什么...没吃过...:D
    • 这是送给hurricane的
      • 那也太猛烈了...:D
    • 然后,你的到来,成就那非凡的一跳,从此,再没有你和我,只听那轻轻的波一声,消失在一片笑声里。
      • 再来一回...不知疲倦...:D
        • 再来的一次,那是因为你还没有跟我一起波!要就要碎一起,波得粉身碎骨!lol~~~
          • 说的热闹...终究还是等待...:D
    • 玩游戏我总不上隐,我发觉爱玩的都是得分高的
      • 什么游戏得分高..:D
        • 忍者神龟