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FYI. Top 5 public high schools, ranked by Fraser Institute, in the City of Toronto

The Fraser Insitute, a Canadian think tank with high reputation in Canadian economic, social, and educational research and development, has released its "Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools" of 2001 edition.

Based on last 5 years provincial ranking, here are top 5 public high schools in City of Toronto. (includeing Toronto DSB and Catholic DSB)

R. H. Academy
Woburn C. I.
Albert C. I.
Martingrove C. I.
Agincourt C.I.

This information will help you to chose high school for your kids.

Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools, The Fraser Insitute., 2001.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 有谁知道为什么中国人都往 A.Y. Jackson 挤? 非常感谢.
    我的女儿正上8年纪. 好多中国人向我推荐 A.Y. Jackson .可我上网查了一下,也没有发现这个学校有什么特别好的. 到是发现这个学校建校时间很短 (1970). 外来移民占大多数人(非本土生72%). 我女儿学校的老师给我女儿推荐了一个学校,历史悠久,外来移民很少.我现在不知应该如何是好.事关我的女儿前途,任何意见都非常感谢.
    • 1970建立的实验学校,个方面的条件优于其他学校。以前的名声好,教学严谨。安省的著名大学愿意录取AY的毕业生。
      • 那么现在呢? 还有人向我推荐 Earl Haig 和 R. H. King. 您知道这三所学校去那所比较好吗? 多谢.
        • It seems Earl Haig is batter than the others. My daughter is in A.Y. Jackson grade 10. She didn’t see any special there.
          • 我女儿的老师给推荐的学校是 Leaside HS. 这个学校很少有外来移民, 不知是否有利? 再次感谢.
            • I have no idea. But it doesn’t mean good to study in the school where has few 外来移民if you are new.
              More new immigrant students better ESL programs. The school good or not is not very important. The important is your daughter herself.
              • I appreciate your help and your time.
    • 在多伦多排名较靠前的学校都差不多. 关键看个人努力.
    • FYI. Top 5 public high schools, ranked by Fraser Institute, in the City of Toronto
      The Fraser Insitute, a Canadian think tank with high reputation in Canadian economic, social, and educational research and development, has released its "Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools" of 2001 edition.

      Based on last 5 years provincial ranking, here are top 5 public high schools in City of Toronto. (includeing Toronto DSB and Catholic DSB)

      R. H. Academy
      Woburn C. I.
      Albert C. I.
      Martingrove C. I.
      Agincourt C.I.

      This information will help you to chose high school for your kids.

      Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools, The Fraser Insitute., 2001.
      • Thank you all.
      • Is it R. H. King Academy?