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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 有块蔫跟打了鸡血似的。。。。狂攻ing。。。。
    • 英格兰悬了。。。。
      • i don't like Ukraine
      • 看样子我跟对了~~~
        • 跟谁了。。。。?
          • 当然是跟了赢家啦~~~
    • 7 次射门了。。
      • 别说有块蔫打得还挺有章法。。。。
    • Rooney确实厉害。。。。1:0。。。。
      • 袜塞。。。。瑞典也蒙进去一个。。。。凌空抽射还挺漂亮。。。。0:1。。。。
        • 瑞典2:0了,法国小组第二
          • 好象没用,瑞典还是被淘汰,法国这次踢得很LM,英国法国出线。问:希腊和俄国都是4分,俄国净胜球比希腊还多2个,为什么希腊出线?
            • 因为希腊赢了俄罗斯。。。。
            • 两对平分,看两队之间的比分先。。
    • gosh~~~exhausted~~~in the gym for 2 hours watched game, I am totally wasted. I'll never ever do it again, good match, though
      • 法国输球还能晋级。。。。侥幸啊。。。。不过踢得真滴很差。。。。本人很失望。。。。
        • really? they were bad? I watched England, Ukraine was pretty tough
          • 有块蔫跟打了鸡血似的。。。。狂攻ing。。。。 -tigar25(大忽悠之雄鸡必胜!!!); 14:49 (#7603545@0) reply more
      • 猜到你偷空儿看球去了,呵呵
        • hehe~~~香香 knows me, I am totally wasted now, so tired, did you check the WSIB website?
          • you
            work with WSIB?
            • no~~~I think WSIB is in charge with working conditions
              • 俺说吧。。。。一准有人管这事。。。。阿香还在笼屉里忍着呢。。。。明儿更热。。。。再不赶紧谈就混过去到冬天咧。。。。
          • going to have a serious talk with him tomorrow , thanks dear ~~~~ have a great evening ~~~ :)
            • you too, I am going home too~~~