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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 没想到。。。。头一个出局滴竟然是荷兰。。。。小古抓紧哈。。。。
    • pity, such a good team
    • 荷兰该换古利特执教了。打的这个烂啊。德国不错,局面仅在掌控。
      • German will get better and better~~~
        • 还是缺少核心,碰上意,西有点悬,要是把斯奈德转过来就好啦:)
          • I actually think different on this one, having a star is good, but not having one is not necessarily bad, think of the old Belgium team used to be
            • Vincenzo ‘Enzo’ Scifo:)
              • fine, I give-up, but I still insist my thinking
    • 可怜的荷兰队,可怜的罗本。。
      • 11号?我觉得这小子是不是昨晚过度了,场上基本是在梦游。
        • 就是他。。还被撞破了头。。助攻的也是他。。
          • his injury is always a problem
    • 你们怎么也不关心一哈小古。。。。???
      没想到小古的心水这么快就泡汤咧。。。。都说情场得意赌场失意。。。。小古最近是不是好事近啊。。。。?GX一哈先。。。。 -tigar25(大忽悠之雄鸡必胜!!!); 16:29 (#7589595@0) reply more
    • 还不一定出局
      • 哦。。。。?
        • yeah, I guess, there is still chance, but slim, if Denmark loss to Germany, and Hollan wins Portugal by net 4 goals above
          • by net 2 goals OR above
            • oh~~~miscalculating~~~thanks
              • #7589711@0。。。。
    • really?
      • 德国葡萄牙都6分啦。。。。荷兰0蛋。。。。还剩一场球怎么整出6分啊。。。。?
        • did they lose the first game?
          • 丹麦反正赢过一场。。。。赢谁来着。。。。?
    • 错咧。。。。丹麦葡萄牙都3分。。。。荷兰还有机会。。。。下一场要赢。。。。平都不行。。。。小古还不用抓紧哈。。。。
    • 荷兰大比分赢葡萄牙,德国赢丹麦,最后荷兰以第二名出线。不过荷兰有点破罐破摔的感觉,两个边裸奔和阿肥拉都烦死人了