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跟随昨天S&P昨天的降级,Moody今天也把安省的rating从Aa1降到Aa2,将开始影响安省政府借贷成本,最终将影响我们每个人的福利。 教育和医疗将首当其冲!

TORONTO (Reuters) - Credit rating agency Moody's downgraded Ontario's debt on Thursday following its negative outlook on the province a few months ago, just a day after competitor Standard & Poor's put Canada's most populous province on negative watch.

Moody's dropped Ontario's issuer and debt ratings to Aa2 from Aa1, with a stable outlook, bringing its score on the province more in line with the other two big rating agencies, S&P and DBRS.
下表是Moody rating 说明:
Class 1-A, Aaa
Class 2-A1, Aaa
Class 2-A2A, Aaa
Class AX, Aaa
Class B1, Aa1
Class B2, Aa2
Class B3, Aa3
Class B4, A2
Class B5, A3
Class B6, Baa2
Class B7, Baa3
Class B8, Baa3
Class R,