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这个。。。要不,美丽家居? 枫下歌台有身体好的么?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 猜!
    1. 有粉
    2. 惧内
    3. 身体好
    4. 一般只在一个坛上逛

    - 户外活动->captain_mike(麦克船长Hike-Tri)? iron(1/2 ironman)?
    • 你今天好hyper
      • Off topic.
    • no, not those 2, i am quite sure.
      • (Counter) Evidence?
        • She has a son,a son only. 铁哥至少有一个女儿。船长年纪比她长了几岁,好像不是一个时代的人。
          • 这个。。。要不,美丽家居? 枫下歌台有身体好的么?
    • 体育爱好者 --> any one?
    • 咋证明身体好?
      • 俯卧撑.
    • Good guess!
      • Presumed guilty until proved innocent.
      • 枫下歌台有身体好的么? -cca(不归的如来佛); 13:25 (#7289990@0)
        • donno others, but I do know that I am 身体好, LOL
          • 6. Is a male. -- I though this one was obvious.:-) You "can be eliminated as well".
            • 不带这么过后找补的:)
              • Stay as a candidate -- if you insist.:-) No sure if 眯眯眼 has a problem though.
                • 我哪要当candidate了?你不是问谁身体好嘛,针对你的问题回答地~~
                  • "身体好" means a lot -- didn't know you want to keep a high profile on this.:-)
                    • 你今天好hyper -c__wang(); LOL
                      • Off topic. -cca(不归的如来佛); 13:11 (#7289936@0)
    • 5. has a son, so captain_mike could be excepted.
      • Iron has daughter too, so can be eliminated as well
        • 也可能是<书香琴院>, 或者<时政>的.
          • 应该是侧面那几个分论坛里的,比如积分推介,金融论坛,网球爱好者什么的
            • +0?
              • <心情>版的人也不常出来.
                • 会不会是那只才"猪"?
                  • 猪是名人,可能不是吧?
          • system?:-)
    • 你不是吗?
      • Look at the criteria -- failed miserably. :-)
      • 7. Never came to 情爱悠悠. So, you have no chance either. Sorry. :-)
        • LOL, i think you are.
    • 难道是COLOR COLOR?
      • 我倒。。。不会吧。说点证据?
      • 4. 一般只在一个坛上逛
    • absolutely no
      • We know now... but why do you have to sound so eager?:-)
        • i didn't even look at any replies before sending this out. and it's just obvious - neither of them.
          • Be constructive -- offer your positive suggestions.:-)
    • OK,我来点Constructive的,今天有空。

      • 啧啧。。。。。说啥好呢。。。
    • 呵呵,你得问问人家船长愿不愿意。。瞎猜。。
      • 难道对了?
        • 你说呢?
          • 你说是的。。。
            • 俺都说CA瞎猜咯。
      • 愿意? 他单靠愿意就能混进革命队伍么?:-)
        • 反对逼供!党的政策是:"绝不放过任何一个好人,也绝不冤枉任何一个坏蛋。"
    • 看见大家猜来猜去的,真开心。
      • 你是太.... 太.... 那个啥了, 仍了一响雷就跑了, 大家这可是好一顿忙乎啊 :-) ~~~~~
        • 呵呵,俺不是有意的,今天下午比较忙。
          • 不坚守岗位, 以后不准了 ~~~~
            • 得令!
    • 驚見人肉貼
      • 就是。。。看来俺没号召力,CCA带头逆反。
    • 樱桃果果? 哈哈羊?