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Aquarius with Blood Type O

is amiable and observant in nature.

You are very good at socializing and you have ability to make good use of your social network. Your creativity enables you to notice and take advantage of things other people fail to notice. Others find life more exciting and happier when they are with you.

Your frankness leaves others a good impression. You cherish every friendship and find it hard when you have to part with your friends. You might be indecisive sometimes.

Aquarius with Blood Typo O is very practical. You never concede to others if you right. You might be thought too stubborn. You can be an idealist.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 问悠悠达人 - 怎样在ROLIA POST PICTURE 啊?
    • upload to a web album, then paste link to HTML ASSISTANT -- PICTURE.
      • 谢表妹. 等会试试 ~
    • PM给俺。。。。俺帮你。。。。
      • 你一定会后悔的 ~~~~ LOL
        • 小姑娘。。。。。淑女淑女
          • (嘘...)糟糕,我笑得更大声了...你存心不让我做淑女嘛
        • 俺漫无目的的热心为啥经常被人误解捏。。。。?
          • 没有, 一点也没有误解..只不过是为你好.你误解我了~
            • 这俺就放心了。。。。BTW。。。。俺胆子很大很大。。。。
              • 自己说不算的
    • 要上照片? 我今天啥也不干了,就等你了 -那啥,PM也行 :)
      • 你一定会后悔的 ~~~~ LOL -femaleaquarius(水瓶女); 10:54 (#7205327@0) reply
      • 亲,我这个POST 有这么MISLEADING 吗?别, 别...待我先试试,你呢,还是好好工作先.PICTURE会有的,一切会有的~~
        • 有,很有,你要是不发给我,我会伤心的,5555.........
          Just kidding, when ever you feel comfortable to let me see you, i'll wait :)
    • PM给俺。。。。俺帮你。。。。
      • 谢菜叔..相信我,我能搞定的.
    • 哪裡有?等了一整整天了啊,啥时候呀
      • 误会,纯属误会.....她就想上一张,那种中国老式热水瓶的照片。。。 -vavav(山野兔子); 17:05 (#7206771@0) reply more
        • 兔子快来解释一下。。怎么这么清楚是热水瓶,而不是冷水瓶?
          • 刚刚烧的热水灌进去的
    • Aquarius with Blood Type O
      is amiable and observant in nature.

      You are very good at socializing and you have ability to make good use of your social network. Your creativity enables you to notice and take advantage of things other people fail to notice. Others find life more exciting and happier when they are with you.

      Your frankness leaves others a good impression. You cherish every friendship and find it hard when you have to part with your friends. You might be indecisive sometimes.

      Aquarius with Blood Typo O is very practical. You never concede to others if you right. You might be thought too stubborn. You can be an idealist.
      • Ding
      • 小鱼儿..............啵~~~ 一个