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China already emits more carbon per person than France and Spain and on current trends will surpass the United States in per person emissions as early as 2017.

It is now the number one among the developing countries with 6.8 tons per person, almost 3 times of India. The total volume rose by nearly 200% since 2000, and now is larger than US and Canada combined. That is why US and Canada want to include China into the mandatory reduction plan. (China only agrees the reduction on "volunteer" base without international monitoring and checking.) An international pack without China and US will be meaningless, and that is why Canada has quitted Kyoto protocol. Speaking of historical cumulative average per person, it does not make much sense. First, it is almost impossible to calculate the historical number of population; Second, under-developed countries like China have also benefited from science and technology developments and findings from the developed countries.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 有一事不明请教,为什么碳排放不能按照人均计算?若按照人均计算,中国、印度、巴西等国比美国低4-5倍。可是 德班大会上好像没人对人均碳排放感兴趣,为什么?碳排放不是基本人权吗?
    • 其实没那么纠结,直接退出就完了。
    • 按人均算,就是说中国这样的高污染国家,还可以再多排放5倍的废气。到时候地球一起完蛋
    • 是应该按国家有多少树计算.
      以前是按照排放总量计算, 因此美国和加拿大都不干了.
    • 减排对加拿大没有意义。一下子要贴出去130多亿,等于每个人交400块钱给外国政府,三口之家就是1200块。拿这个钱干什么不好。如果贴给他们,整体排放下降也好,实际结果却是人家借口人均值比较低,排放继续增加。
    • 看这种争执,就像看Star War里帝国出现前联邦议会里的情况一样,每个国家只为自己利益着想,无法有效达成协议,结果就是大家一起完蛋。估计每个人要是有Anakin Skywalker的能力,也都要变成Darth Vader 了。
    • 让我盲目的说一下,退出好,愿咋排就咋排,方正世界末日也近了。
    • 看看美国加拿大的空气质量和环境,再回头看看中国的环境和空气质量,就知道中国政府投入环保的钱花哪里了。各级环保部门就知道吃拿卡要,只要满足他们的需求,环保算个球。
    • 加拿大的油沙本来成本就很高,如果按照排放标准,很多油沙矿就得关门,保守党现在是多数党,退出是理所当然的
    • 人均碳排放量是被广泛认可的.
      中国要求的是历史累积人均碳排放量. 既历史排放总量处以现在的人口.绝大多数国家都不赞同这中算法.
      • "人均碳排放量是被广泛认可的."? 按照美国政府的什么气候研究所的官方报告,人均碳排放量美国排12,加拿大排15,中国第78,印度136。在这种排名下,自己增排,却要求中国、印度减排?
        “国要求的是历史累积人均碳排放量”, 虽然是漫天要价,也不能说全无道理。
        • China already emits more carbon per person than France and Spain and on current trends will surpass the United States in per person emissions as early as 2017.
          It is now the number one among the developing countries with 6.8 tons per person, almost 3 times of India. The total volume rose by nearly 200% since 2000, and now is larger than US and Canada combined. That is why US and Canada want to include China into the mandatory reduction plan. (China only agrees the reduction on "volunteer" base without international monitoring and checking.) An international pack without China and US will be meaningless, and that is why Canada has quitted Kyoto protocol. Speaking of historical cumulative average per person, it does not make much sense. First, it is almost impossible to calculate the historical number of population; Second, under-developed countries like China have also benefited from science and technology developments and findings from the developed countries.