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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

As a parent, let our children take control and be themselves. Let them choose , experience.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My children know that money is for a reasonable life and not for luxurios living. I always believe that if you are cream of the crop, you can earn a resonable living.My child was a good student but not an exceptional brilliant student at high school. He was amazed with plants during his childhood and determined to get into botany program at Guelph university while he was at grade 10. He got into Guelph as wished but found out later that University of Toronto may be the better choice for his research interest. He transferred to Toronto after finished the first year at Guelph. The transition was very smooth. He engaged in the work study program at U of T and worked in the Lab during the summer. His interests and passion in the program won him a few scholarships at U of T. As a teenager, he also had times of uncertainty. He was lost in the summer after Year 3 and worried about his future. Where can I go? Can I get a job as a plant bioloigist? He struggled. One day he asked for my credit card to register for the MCAT. It was the last test that enable him to have results ready for current year. He registered and we bought some study guides from Chpaters the next day. He studied for about 3 weeks (he still had to work in the lab during the day) for the MCAT. The result came out prettty substandard except the reasoning part. He never prepare for the medical school, he did not engage in many extracurrilar , volunteer activities. Never engage in any hospital, health care related activities. He even had difficulties in finding 3 references for Med school application. One of the references was a pottery teacher whom he followed for 7 years(after school) but quitted at Grade 11. To our surprise, he got an interview from Mcmaster University for the MD program. For another disbelief, he was even accepted into the doctor program. The outcome was, the did not take the offer to medical school. He finally decided to get into the graduate program in molecular plant biology in University of Toronto because its his interest.. He got direct entrry into the Phd program because of this great GPA and ample lab experience (starting from Year 2). He believes one day his research wil increase the food production for the world.

Let the children decide and they will flourish. I also believe foundation science is very important for the world.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 加拿大哪所大学的地理专业本科不错?未来方向是研究地震,火山和大气云层什么的。我家孩子还有2年上大学,对地理感兴趣。
    • 想清楚以后就业和吃饭的问题?
      • 孩子想的很清楚了,我就是打听下。
        • 作为第一代移民的父母,我们并没有足够的人际网路资本让孩子学一些漫无边际的学科的。孩子会想他们就不是孩子了。算我多嘴,也算是对自己的警醒吧。
          • 谢谢提醒。没准到时候又变了,还有2年呢。我不能现在就反对。
          • 我女儿是很有主意的人,这个她已经想了3年多了。目前她数学地理和计算机成绩都很好。前2天,跟我提要读到PHD,在大学里教书。我有点吃惊,不过想想,实在不行,就去中学教地理吧。
            • 有地理和计算机相关的专业,就业还好研究GPS之类的东东。上边的那个童鞋的意见非常中肯,家长就是要在他们的兴趣和就业方面做出合适的指导,当老师,尤其是当大学老师有时候并不是孩子够不够优秀,而是她毕业的时候有没有合适的职位,就业渠道太窄。
              • THX
                • 浴杆装好了吗?
                  • 好了,谢谢关心。希望别掉下来。
                    • 会,我家小孩子最爱扯了,不过上去也很方便。
                      • :)
    • 搭车问问学费的问题,加拿大大学的学费一般是个啥水平,比如多大、Queens之类?美国那些好大学贵吧?住宿费呢?毫无概念,哪位指点指点,虽然孩子还小,俺估摸着必须早点开始攒钱了。谢谢!
      • 学校网站一般都有介绍,加拿大本省居民和外省居民学费差不多差一倍。当然居住满一年以上就可以算本省居民了。
        • 好,去看看。
        • 没听说安省哪个大学外省和本省居民学费有差别,知道魁省是你说的情况。安省的你给举个例子。
    • York 大学好像有这专业,据说很多老师是武汉测绘学院那里毕业得。
    • 貌似University of Calgary有北美最好的地理专业。
      • 谢谢。你说的北美是加拿大吗?还是也包括美国?
        • 当然是包括美国
          • 真的吗?不了解这个学校,看来要仔细研究一下。THX
    • 曾经在一个公司工作, 有一个部门很多人是在Ryerson学地理的。
      • 我知道一个人也在那学。能告诉我那个部门是做什么的吗?
        • 他们的职称是Research Scientist/Analyst, 他们根据地理/人口等资料研究市场
          • 看来除了政府和大学,还是有需求的。
    • 还是支持孩子上自己感兴趣的东西,这样才长久,才能坚持。
    • 加拿大几百年才震一次,研究这个可以做业余爱好。
      • 这个“加拿大“不包括温哥华吗?
      • 不是只研究加拿大的地理,应该是地球的地理。将来给政府工作,或大学里教书,或给联合国和其他什么机构工作。只能走一步看一步。
    • As a parent, let our children take control and be themselves. Let them choose , experience.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My children know that money is for a reasonable life and not for luxurios living. I always believe that if you are cream of the crop, you can earn a resonable living.My child was a good student but not an exceptional brilliant student at high school. He was amazed with plants during his childhood and determined to get into botany program at Guelph university while he was at grade 10. He got into Guelph as wished but found out later that University of Toronto may be the better choice for his research interest. He transferred to Toronto after finished the first year at Guelph. The transition was very smooth. He engaged in the work study program at U of T and worked in the Lab during the summer. His interests and passion in the program won him a few scholarships at U of T. As a teenager, he also had times of uncertainty. He was lost in the summer after Year 3 and worried about his future. Where can I go? Can I get a job as a plant bioloigist? He struggled. One day he asked for my credit card to register for the MCAT. It was the last test that enable him to have results ready for current year. He registered and we bought some study guides from Chpaters the next day. He studied for about 3 weeks (he still had to work in the lab during the day) for the MCAT. The result came out prettty substandard except the reasoning part. He never prepare for the medical school, he did not engage in many extracurrilar , volunteer activities. Never engage in any hospital, health care related activities. He even had difficulties in finding 3 references for Med school application. One of the references was a pottery teacher whom he followed for 7 years(after school) but quitted at Grade 11. To our surprise, he got an interview from Mcmaster University for the MD program. For another disbelief, he was even accepted into the doctor program. The outcome was, the did not take the offer to medical school. He finally decided to get into the graduate program in molecular plant biology in University of Toronto because its his interest.. He got direct entrry into the Phd program because of this great GPA and ample lab experience (starting from Year 2). He believes one day his research wil increase the food production for the world.

      Let the children decide and they will flourish. I also believe foundation science is very important for the world.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 十分感谢你的经验之谈。我也是打算尊重孩子的决定,让她自己选择喜欢的专业。即使将来可能研究的方向还会变,应该也不是太难的事。昨天我在网上查了些资料,地理专业的范围还是很广的。
    • 建议学地质,研究岩土与油气的关系,这是理想与现实的完美结合。
      • THX
    • Go to UBC or UM or UT
      • UM是 Mcgill吗?