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邮寄: Initial response in 4 weeks from the date of application

Initial response in 4 weeks from the date of application

Submit in person:
Initial response in 5 working days from the date of application

Page Link:

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  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 请问探亲签证?
    • 邮寄: Initial response in 4 weeks from the date of application
      Initial response in 4 weeks from the date of application

      Submit in person:
      Initial response in 5 working days from the date of application

      Page Link:
      • Thanks!
        • 这个等待时间也太长了吧。最近有没有人在北京签过(邮寄)?请大侠们分享一下经验啊! 我的已经过了六个星期了
          • 我妈妈寄出已经两个月了,还没有收到。郁闷!!
            我都快要崩溃了。我妈妈10月16号寄到北京。到现在还没有收到。快两个月了。我在12月初给北京大使馆发了邮件。大使馆很快就回了:邮件里说 “Please be advised that your case is finalised and we will send you mail shortly. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. ” 我当时还挺高兴,想想过几天就会到。没想到从收到邮件Dec 4 到今天 Dec14 已经10天了,还没有收到邮件。这速度也太慢了吧??
          • Pumpkin, any good news??
            • Pumpkin, any good news??