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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

every morning when i drive on steeles, everybody drives at the speed of 80+, that's terrible~! why no cops catch them?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 我郁闷我,60公里路面开60,竟然被竖中指, 求安慰.......
    • pat,pat....
    • pat, pat, left lane or right lane?
      • 我要转弯,刚从边线换到中间那条线。那人从后面飞快的绕过去,至少开100,竟然有时间开窗竖指,我去.............
        • he is rushing to eat hot & fresh poo, forgive him. LOL
          • 哈哈,要是那样,我就原谅他了。彪妹,你太可爱了
            • it has to be like this, :p
    • 大半夜不好好睡觉发精华贴,一定是开车打晃了,下次注意些。有人竖中指,那是他素质低,可是也一定是你开车危险了。不要安慰,要安全教育,要反思。大家不要pat,否则害了她!!
      • 大半夜?
        • 没有,是今天早上啦
      • 谁还没个失眠的时候呢,这也被数落:((
    • 你怎么老是叫人欺负啊?
      • 温柔的看上去就想欺负一下。。。。
        • 还漂亮,就更要欺负一下了
    • in US? there 60 means 60 miles which is like 100KM
      • 嗯,竖中指是因为大拇指缺失,对残疾人要友好。
        • 是你?
      • 我一大早的要从US回来,估计得开火箭吧......
        • 哇,你会开火箭呀,那估计得拿 G1000驾照吧
    • 那人太不NICE了, BS & IGNORE TA!
      • 是,就是郁闷,跟大家撒个娇 :D
        • pat pat .... hug hug....
    • 反正不是我~
      • 此地无银?
    • Pat pat~~~
      • :))))
    • XB他的中指还健在。。。。
      • 没有,我准备转弯来着,换线的灯都打着呢;
        • 她竖了中指。。。。后来呢。。。。?
    • 你如果开在快线上, 我竖两个。。。:-)
      • 是不是还要加上-------------yeah
      • 女司机。。。。俺一般是绕过。。。。尽量远离。。。。因为很多时候她也不知道她要干嘛。。。。
      • 别太小气,把第三个也竖了吧。:)
      • 俺车上明晃晃的贴着 BABY ON BOARD 呀, 再说要左转,不换到快线也不行呀
        • 你应该贴,驾校开除,自学成才。保证别人躲着你
          • 这主意不错 :)。。
    • every morning when i drive on steeles, everybody drives at the speed of 80+, that's terrible~! why no cops catch them?
      • it's 70km limit? for sure 80+
        • no, 60, in Toronto, the speed limit is 40, 50 and 60. NO 70 (i am talking about Toronto, not GTA)
      • later
      • 你转正了。。。。她们还急着表现呢。。。。
        • LOL .... 你有才.........
      • just a matter of time.... sooner or later
      • 看俺下面的帖子,40的路别超60,50的路别超70,警察一般不在60的路上抓超速。
        • what i heard is +10 is OK because the Tachometer has +/- 10km/hr's deviation
          • 彪妹别听他们的,超10公里以上,拿罚单的机会很大的。
            • 那限速100你们开多少?
              • <115
              • on hwy, that's a different story, if you are in the middle of a faster "group", what you need to do is to keep the same speed, normally 130 - 140 on the fast lane. if you drive alone, it's better to keep within 120, or even 110.
                i have a friend, drive 112 on 401 and got caught by cop, a $110 speeding ticket.
              • 120 ~130..有一次开到140, 吃了ticket.
                • 没有前后有车?
                  • 那次太大意了, 一般跟着最快的车跑, 结果人家可能看到警察了, 换线了, 我没换当了领头羊, 就被抓了...
                    • when i drive to other cities, or to US, how to play this "hide & seek" game is the ONLY thing i feel interested to do. :D
                      • 我一般反应比较快, 那天开长途, 有点儿累, 没反应过来..
                    • 你没有说你是雪鸟?鸟是不限速的。。。。
                      • 我说我以为自己在开飞机 :), 跟警察磨了半天, 最好罚钱, 没扣点, 还算好...
                        • 经验之谈:每月的中旬跟警察磨容易管用。上旬和下旬基本没戏,别费那功夫。
                • are you in the middle of the group?
                  • NO, 领跑 :)..
                    • yeah, that's why, cops have to use the Tachometer to get "proof" first, in the way car(s) in the middle is somewhat safe.
                • 限速100的高速上一般就是130,低于130在401快线上根本跟不上前车,到140基本上只要被发现就会吃ticket
            • no, i mean you can be over-speed within 10+, that means 60 ---> no faster 70.
              • < 75 IS ok. 不扣分的。 我是法庭的常客。
                • 不扣分 means no insurance rate hiking?
                  • 2-3 不扣分的tickets 一般不影响insurance 的 premium. 但多了也会影响。
      • 就是呀,现在不是 ZERO TOLERANCE 吗
        • actually it's pretty easy for me to be over-speed because my SUV is really powerful, i have to control very carefully about speed, so i check my speedometer every 2 seconds to make sure i am not over speed too much.
          speeding ticket can cause insurance rate hiking, i know a friend, he has 2 cars, the original rate is $4800/year for 2 cars, but he got 2 speeding tickets then he renewed his rate, it goes up to $12,000/year.
          • 你有没有ticket?
            • it's not good to say that, but now, 0. i hope i can keep this good driving habit longer. :-)
              • 很好,我也没有。我知道我有个朋友,开车很慢,拿过两个阻碍交通的ticket.
                • i am not driving slower than traffic, normally what i do is to + no more than 10km/hr. 40---45, 50---60, 60---70
                  but to be honest, there's still some driver thinks i drive too slowly. :-)
                  • 安全就好
    • 安慰一下,60开80是正常速度,一个警察朋友说只要不超20KM他根本不管的。
      • 帮俺问问。。。。别的警察朋友是不是也这样。。。。?
        • 要看心情,他心情不好的时候超10也抓
          • 再帮俺问问。。。。心情不好的时候会随时掏枪来一下么。。。。?
            • 掏枪还是比较谨慎的,只要在非同伙面前掏枪都要写报告。。。。
      • 你那绝对谣传,我们公司门口50路面,警察天天在这猫着,只要超过55, 必抓无疑
        • 那都是变态警察。难道说法语就不一样?
        • 嘿嘿。。。中指。。。。。。
    • pat ,pat. 不过, 60公里路面开60 是慢了点儿. 这种开车会引发车祸...一般开限速的都是老人..
      • 你的意思说小香是老人???
        • 谁说的。。。。?
        • 别挑拨离间啊...一般我对开慢车的老人比较理解..否则我会暗暗的骂俩声的 :).. 尤其是占着快道开限速, 急啊....
          • 我也是,超过去一看是老人,女人,摇摇头就走了
            • 我点点头
              • 绅士 :)...
                • 就是说自己估计对了,是老人要么女人
                  • 要是女人就肯定不是我 :)..
                    • 嗯。。。是有很多女人开快车的,开车也和性格有关
                      • 是, 自从吃了TICKET, 开车老实多了 :)...
                        • 还是要注意安全!
                          • 那当然, 我一向惜命如金的 :)...
                            • 因为你就是块金子呀:)
                              • 钻石吧?
                                • 统称石头 :)..
                                  • 不许叫我小名 :)
                              • 无光的金子 :)..
            • 摇头要小心。。。。俺见过一个摇头把自己摇上了curb的。。。。损失很大。。。。
              • 哈。。。
            • that is a kind of discrimination!
              • lol, my bad my bad....
                • please be reminded a lot of man, mid-aged man, are driving very 肉, too! i saw this kind of 肉 men every day! but i am not going to give them my finger~
                  • 反正不是我~ -realrock888(隔壁张家老木匠);
                  • 这些都是女的。。。。?every morning when i drive on steeles, everybody drives at the speed of 80+, that's terrible~! why no cops catch them? -lilianliang(彪妹); 10:31 (#7073795@0) reply more
                    • men & women, for sure~
              • I know !!
    • 木事,木事。。。我当时刚拿G2, 在高速出口反向进入, 被一辆车上的5个黑妹妹和小黑gg 竖了10个中指, 并被齐声嘲笑:“ S --- T ---U --- P --- I ---D !“, 估计那声音能从Scarbo 一直传到 DOWNTOWN。
      • 哈哈。。。。赞心态。。。。!
      • why 6 people only have 10 fingers?
        • LOL
        • 我开车呢, 没来得及仔细数!
          • your eyes are pretty sharp already,,,,, :-)
      • 妹妹 心态真好.....
    • 是不是向你求爱呀?
    • pat pat, 好人被人欺啊
      • 不欺白不欺
    • pat pat, 建议以后开 70 ~ ~
    • 看了你后面的回答,被竖指不是因为60开60,而是因为你变线没仔细观察,道上有个快车。你的速度不是安全变线速度,当然是因为他超速造成的。
      • 虽然是正解,但是这么舍不得安慰一下?哈哈
        • 安慰的活儿有好心情就行了,这活儿他拿手。
          • 不敢当,不够坏。。。。
        • 好吧,安慰一下。很喜欢楼主的写的文章。
        • 咦,原来你也觉得我活该呀.......
          • 这个不是,安全还是第一的,那人素质太差。以后换线时候,也要注意别人的速度。
      • 那啥,他开100呢.........
    • 所有开车的人,都应该学会竖中指。这是一种很普通的,驾车人之间,在动态环境下,交流的手段。就跟水手的旗语一样。俗话说,来而不往非礼也。有一次开车,一个老太太,对我竖中指,我立刻回敬她,竖起了我的大拇指。
      • 鼓励。
      • 显然老太太看上你了竖指求交往。。。。你竖大拇指是表示同意么。。。。?
      • 竖大拇指是啥意思啊?
        • 有人说是同意。。。。。交往
    • 总想着坏事...没那时间...总想这坏人...没那情商... :D
    • I would like to give a kind reminder to everybody here~~~~~~~~~~~~
      DON'T drive at the right side of either a big truck or a big SUV / VAN.

      according to my truck driver friend and my own experience, the "blind spot" on our right side is really blind, even we check it, still can't see clearly.

      so remember, never drive at the "blind spot" at the right side of a big car/truck!!! especially for those "mini" cars.
      • I know you drive BIG car
        • i can barely see my right-side blind spot. i put a blind-spot mirror on top of my right mirror, but still can't see clearly. so i have to be very very careful when i merge into right lane.... double check, or even triple check.
          but my car is OK, it's big, but just a SUV, one day when i talk to my truck driver co-worker, he said he can't even see his right blind spot!

          that's very very dangerous, it's a full truck, it can cause life-lost.....
      • Thanks for the information.
        • hope everybody will be safe & happy~
      • thanks a lot, will pay attention to that.
      • it is also depend on the wind direction
    • 双线道占外道60km/h肯定会被人骂。尽管需要左转,不能长距离占道。
      • 以后会注意的了...........
    • 正常。俺以前一次经历,Lawrence road 上,警车跟着我后面,也没亮警灯,在60的路上开60, 竟然从我旁边超过去,还给俺一个指头。
      • 啊? 是警察? 天啊, PAT PAT .........
      • 嗯正常。昨天我在60的路上开80,突然看到一辆警车换到我后面,脚赶紧从油门上离开,开了一小会儿,警车嫌我慢,从我旁边超过去了。
        • 我那天偶尔在50的路上开到将近60,一警察从对面过去后,马上挑头来追我,俺吓的拐个弯停下来,假装到地儿了,他才开走; 都是警察,这差别咋那大咧.........
      • 挑逗?
    • pat, pat
      • 你最近忙? 都没太见你上来呢
    • 把我今天的第一帖送给你:说个有趣的事笑笑就好~~~以前在北京,左拐车很多,我辛辛苦苦排了好久的队,结果被一辆车“噌”的一下插了队,气得我拿了车里的矿泉水瓶连水带瓶子扔去,后来超过那车的时候,也给他看看手指。

      • 嘘; 小心人说你有暴力倾向 :)); 偶很喜欢你的性格哦
      • 告诉对方,我手指上没有水,不是我扔的