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Tea Party,以及共和党的极右派一个让我很troubling,很无法支持的问题,是他们把宗教信仰放在一个及其重要的位置,甚至决定了对一个候选人支持与否。在我看来,基督教原教旨主义与伊斯兰原教旨主义一样危险。在此项上,Romney在我这儿是得分了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From TIME.COM

1) At the CNN debate on Tuesday night, Anderson Cooper asked the GOP presidential aspirants whether voters should subject candidates to such religious tests. Answers ranged from the enthusiastically pro-test position of Newt Gingrich–“How can you have judgment if you have no faith? And how can I trust you with power if you don’t pray?”–to the nonsensical response from Rick Perry–“I can no more remove my faith than I can that I’m the son of a tenant farmer. The issue, are we going to be individuals who stand by our faith?”

2)Some voters, particularly conservative evangelicals, are like Pastor Robert Jeffress, whose comments at the recent Values Voters Summit brought the question of religious tests back into the news. In an interview on CNN after his speech, Jeffress said that “Born-again followers of Christ should always prefer a competent Christian…to a competent non-Christian like Mitt Romney.” He went on, “As Christians we have the duty to prefer and select Christians as our leaders.” The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, who also spoke at the Summit, echoed that belief: “The next President needs to be a man of sincere, authentic, genuine Christian faith.”

3) Only Mitt Romney was willing to challenge the concept of a religious test. “That idea that we should choose people based upon their religion for public office is what I find to be most troubling,” he said. “The founders of this country went to great lengths to make sure—and even put in the Constitution—that we would not choose people who represent us in government based upon their religion.” The answer was self-serving, yes, given that Romney has the most to lose if Republican voters judge him by his Mormon faith. But it was also right.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Tea Party,以及共和党的极右派一个让我很troubling,很无法支持的问题,是他们把宗教信仰放在一个及其重要的位置,甚至决定了对一个候选人支持与否。在我看来,基督教原教旨主义与伊斯兰原教旨主义一样危险。在此项上,Romney在我这儿是得分了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From TIME.COM

    1) At the CNN debate on Tuesday night, Anderson Cooper asked the GOP presidential aspirants whether voters should subject candidates to such religious tests. Answers ranged from the enthusiastically pro-test position of Newt Gingrich–“How can you have judgment if you have no faith? And how can I trust you with power if you don’t pray?”–to the nonsensical response from Rick Perry–“I can no more remove my faith than I can that I’m the son of a tenant farmer. The issue, are we going to be individuals who stand by our faith?”

    2)Some voters, particularly conservative evangelicals, are like Pastor Robert Jeffress, whose comments at the recent Values Voters Summit brought the question of religious tests back into the news. In an interview on CNN after his speech, Jeffress said that “Born-again followers of Christ should always prefer a competent Christian…to a competent non-Christian like Mitt Romney.” He went on, “As Christians we have the duty to prefer and select Christians as our leaders.” The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, who also spoke at the Summit, echoed that belief: “The next President needs to be a man of sincere, authentic, genuine Christian faith.”

    3) Only Mitt Romney was willing to challenge the concept of a religious test. “That idea that we should choose people based upon their religion for public office is what I find to be most troubling,” he said. “The founders of this country went to great lengths to make sure—and even put in the Constitution—that we would not choose people who represent us in government based upon their religion.” The answer was self-serving, yes, given that Romney has the most to lose if Republican voters judge him by his Mormon faith. But it was also right.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 看起来老猫把反对宗教信仰放在一个及其重要的位置?
      • 政教分离是我要说的
        • 你得罪了上面的有神论者
        • 你看美国右派时,总戴着一副中国有色眼镜。中国习惯于把右派描述为宗教狂热分子,真是天大的笑话。这是中国自诩(其实也算不上)左派的人,抹黑右派来抬高自己的手段。

          • Perry的大型祈祷闹剧和对进化论的攻击,最近这个牧师对摩门教背景的温和派候选人罗姆尼的言论,Michelle/Palin所表现出来的宗教观,让我担心政教分离的原则正在被极右翼的共和党人和茶党人所blur
            btw, if there is a spectrum in political view, I think I am standing in the middle right...extreme right or extreme left are polarizing the population..
            • 哦...原来是进化论被攻击了,要保卫进化论,有道理呀
        • 猫猫教主天真了。奥巴马称自己相信上帝赋予的爱近邻和爱自己的使命,因此他认为,应该发展经济,服务所有人。奥巴马指出,近年来,许多美国人深受伤害,并遭到不公正待遇,这也是他提出向富人征税的重要原因。
          • everyone has his own personal faith..even for a politician..that's his guiding principals when he live his lives and interact with others.. this is fine and unavoidable..as long as he does not cross the line to force his religious belief upon others
      • 政教分离!
    • 我从你摘的段落里没看到Tea Party,再看原文,说的是全体美国人。怎么就把人家文章的主题给改了呢?
      • 原来如此,一个标题党,耸人听闻,哗众取宠
      • 我觉得我的标题和我援引的文章不矛盾。
    • Not sure if this is a good thing for Romney: Donald Trump explains why he is endorsing Mitt Romney as the GOP nominee for president